Monday, October 5, 2009

10 Ways to Put Romance in Your Marriage Everyday

A marriage is a wonderful relationship that allows you to explore yourself and another person. You will find that marriage can be easy, difficult, rewarding, frustrating, and everything in between all at the same time. One of the biggest complaints from people who have been married for some time is that the romance is gone. The following is a look at ten ways to put romance in your marriage everyday:

1. Kiss goodbye each time you leave. Too many married couples part for the day without a physical embrace of any kind. Try a kiss goodbye before you head out for your respective days away from each other. On occasion make it a steamy one. However, even a peck will help keep some of the romance in your marriage.

2. Say "I love you" each time you talk and end the conversation. This can be before you go to bed for the night, or it can be when you get off a phone conversation. Do not neglect to tell one another you love each other, you might regret it if you don't.

3. Have a few moments of alone time. One reason romance leaves a marriage is that with work, responsibilities, and children, often it is difficult to find the time for it. Make spending at least half an hour together, uninterrupted each day, a big priority.

4. Play together. Romance does not always have to come from gestures like flowers and candle lit dinners. Another great way to inspire romance is by playing with one another. This can be games, physical play, etc. It can be as simple as having a mini-water fight in the kitchen while you clean up the dinner dishes, or a tickle torture while you get ready for bed. Do not forget to have fun with one another.

5. Laugh together. Laughter inspires good feelings, contentment, and joy, all of which are necessary to have romance in a relationship. So, whether you laugh at or with each other, from a Laffy Taffy joke, or a funny television show, make sure there is laughter in your life each day.

6. Pinch butts. It may sound silly, but part of romance is feeling physically attracted to one another. When you make an effort to let your spouse know you are still physically attracted to them, whether by pinching their bum, or some other means, it can spark romantic feelings.

7. Touch is a critical element to romance. Hold hands while you drive, walk, etc. Hug one another, and make it a point to daily have some form of contact physically so that you never "lose touch" with your spouse.

8. Meals together is a great way to inspire romance. You do not have to have candle lit or intimate dinners, but you do have to have time together each day to talk, and to get to know one another more intimately (thoughts, dreams, goals, etc. as well as physically), and what better way than through eating meals with one another?

9. Service. Serving each other and doing thoughtful little things for one another is a great way to inspire romance in your marriage. This is especially helpful if you aren't feeling very romantically inclined.

10. Inside jokes, looks, etc. The more you share that is intimate and personal, the easier it is to have a romantic or intimate connection. So, wink at each other, share intimate secrets, and make efforts to improve your intimate bond.

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