Sunday, July 26, 2009

Personal Money Management Style, Can Make or Break Your Ryan Atkinson

Personal money management is an issue that will affect your life positively or negatively... for the rest of your life. Your style of personal money management predicates where you end up in the financial pecking order of life. Do you want to be at the bottom, or the top? Develop a system that works for you early in life and reap the benefit forever.

Do you feel like you have an impossible financial dream? Money is such an emotional issue it becomes the breaking point for many a marriage. If you don't have anything else to fight about, you can always fight about money. How will you reach your financial goals? Personal money management styles are a good thing to discuss before the marriage.

How will you decide who looks after paying the bills? Will you each have your own money to spend and agree to put a preset amount into a joint account to run the household? Will it be a free for all, with each spouse blaming the other when there is not enough money to pay the bills because there is no personal money management? Many couples dream of retiring in their 40's or 50's something their parents would have considered an impossible financial dream. Is this your plan and if so, how are you going to make it happen?

Before you determine the personal money management system you use, discuss it with your spouse. There are many areas that cause problems in marriage, money management being one of the most contentious. Communicate and decide who is responsible for what before it becomes a problem.

With over 77 million baby boomers entering retirement, financial planning and asset management are definitely a hot topic. Financial planning is something, many have managed to avoid through their highest earning years and are now finding out the real cost of avoidance. Dealing with money management issues early in life, means more time to grow assets. There are unprecedented numbers inheriting substantial amounts of money from their parents.

Without effective financial planning much of that wealth will go the way of lottery wins and will not be available to improve standard of living in retirement. A recent study reported that less than an hour a month is spent on retirement planning by over 62% of baby boomers and 32% spend no time at all on this important activity.

Financial planning is very much a service-oriented niche. If you don’t feel you are receiving adequate attention from your financial planner or you are a part of the statistic that spends no time on retirement planning, don't leave it until it's too late. Start interviewing and find a financial planner that you can communicate well with, one that understands your needs and what you want to accomplish. Or if you haven't defined your financial planning needs, will help you set realistic ones.

Most people do not plan to fail at successful financial planning most people simply fail to plan. If you want a successful marriage, successful financial planning is a must. Showing your spouse that you are taking action to ensure your financial future shows you care deeply for the future of the relationship.

Please feel free to reprint this article provided the following authors credit and live URL link remains intact.

Do You Desire Love And Marriage? How Should You Prepare Yourself? - by by Tony Tate

The rate of new love and marriages is rising as fast as the divorce rate. That forces the question - are people really falling in love? If they are then why is the divorce rate so high? Isn't love enough? Where is the commitment? Love and marriage are still important to people. So what is the deal? Why is the divorce rate still climbing?

Love and marriage happens everyday but that's not true for every one. Perhaps most people don't really give themselves a chance to fall in love for the right reasons. One reason for this is that people don't really get to know each other before having sex, making a commitment and getting married, all in that wrong order. When a couple begins dating both people are usually on there best behavior. In other words they have put up a front or façade. This can continue for a while. People don't really get to see the actual character of a person sometimes until after about a year or so. This is because during the dating phase you wont get into situations together that will test what you are made of.

How long before love and marriage should you date? How do you know if you should make a commitment?

After about a year when the newness of the relationship is wearing off couples begin to face more of life's situations together. They begin to see how one another react under stress and handle situations outside the dating scene bubble. This is time you should decide if love and marriage and a commitment is what you want with this person. This is the time you will find out what the other person is made of in tough situations.

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If you have been able to abstain from sex in the relationship you are better prepared to make clear good decisions. Sex will cause you to overlook or ignore things that may be important to you. Sex itself in not enough of a reason to get married. Sex certainly can't hold it all together for you.

Love and marriage is one of the most important commitments you will ever make. Abstinence is not a popular dating tip for men and women these days, but it is a good dating tip. From your first date until your last date, if you don't marry, should be conducted with respect to each other. If he/she is not willing to abstain with you he/she is probably not the one you are looking for. If it turns out that you are not compatible with the person you are seeing you should leave the goods undamaged (emotional goods). That means you should be able to get to know one another without making the sexual connection so that if you get to the point where you decide to end the relationship the emotional pain is minimized. Sometimes couples end up getting married simply because they have been having sex.

The plus side to arriving at love and marriage through getting to know one another, and abstaining from sex is that you will have been able to make sound decisions about your relationship without the influence of sex. You will know what it is you love about your mate and why you want to marry them. None of your feelings of love will be rooted in sex.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Husband Ignores Me When He Gets Home From Work By Brenda Carter

Wives are always joking about how their husband has selective hearing and that he doesn't hear what we have to say, but what women need to understand is that men are not able to multitask like we can. So when your husband gets home from work and appears to be ignoring you because you try to talk to him right when he walks in the door, it's not because he doesn't want to hear what you have to say. It's because he's overwhelmed at the moment.

Since men are not able to multitask like women can, they need some time to wind down after work and change from work mode to home mode. When you jump on him right after he walks through the door he is not able to process what you are saying, so he turns on the selective hearing that we always joke about and shuts you out. Understanding that this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the way he's wired is important. Instead of getting upset with him for ignoring you, try this one simple tip to help you communicate better with him after a long day at work.

Allow your husband to develop a routine that he can get into whenever he gets home from work. This could be opening the mail, watching his favorite TV show, reading a magazine, or checking his favorite website. What he does all depends on his interests, it will not be the same for every man. This routine will allow his brain to shut off from work mode and switch to home mode. Once the toggle switch has been changed, you will be surprised at how receptive he is to what you have to say. That's it, there's nothing complicated to it.

I hope this tip will allow you and your husband to communicate better with each other. Just understanding how different men and women really are can mean the difference between and OK marriage and a great marriage.

Stop Your Divorce - Save Your Marriage - Communication is the Key to Any Successful Relationship By Sabrina Werles

When you want to stop your divorce and save your marriage, you must learn to communicate effectively. When a relationship lacks proper communication, it rarely survives.

It happens to the best of relationships sometimes - hurtful words are exchanged in moments of anger or frustration. This leads to the recipient of these words to be left reacting defensively, which leads to even more turmoil in the marriage. In essence, a few words can have a snowballing effect, and no relationship is immune to this.

When two people live together for an extended period of time, they tend to take each other for granted. This isn't intentional, and we don't even realize we do it, until it starts to impact our marriage. To make matters worse, when we take each other for granted, we tend to say things which can very easily escalate into arguments.

A simple matter of missing car keys can lead to a statement such as "If you'd just open your eyes once in a while, you'd find what you're looking for". Statements such as this are said all the time, not necessarily meant to be taken so harshly, but do you see how something that just flies out of your mouth can have a devastating affect?

You have to be considerate of each other's feelings. If you're not, this will lead to much unwanted tension in your relationship.

When you feel that your marriage is getting tense, talk to your partner. Cut off the arguments before they start. Stop the negative remarks before they happen. When you open the lines of communication, instead of holding back your feelings, you will find that your marriage becomes more stable.

Talking your feelings out is a very simple way to solve many marital problems. Unfortunately, too many married couples don't talk! They keep their feelings bottled up inside, and one day everything explodes. To avoid these explosions, be sure to talk with your spouse. The more you talk, the stronger your bond will grow, and the more your marriage will be able to withstand any problem that comes your way!

Want to know more ways to stop your divorce and save your marriage?

Make sure that you don't leave anything to chance. Learn every last detail on what it takes to turn your marriage problems around and recreate the loving marriage that you always dreamed of. With our help, it is possible to rescue any marriage!

Stop Your Divorce - Save Your Marriage - Communication is the Key to Any Successful Relationship By Sabrina Werles

When you want to stop your divorce and save your marriage, you must learn to communicate effectively. When a relationship lacks proper communication, it rarely survives.

It happens to the best of relationships sometimes - hurtful words are exchanged in moments of anger or frustration. This leads to the recipient of these words to be left reacting defensively, which leads to even more turmoil in the marriage. In essence, a few words can have a snowballing effect, and no relationship is immune to this.

When two people live together for an extended period of time, they tend to take each other for granted. This isn't intentional, and we don't even realize we do it, until it starts to impact our marriage. To make matters worse, when we take each other for granted, we tend to say things which can very easily escalate into arguments.

A simple matter of missing car keys can lead to a statement such as "If you'd just open your eyes once in a while, you'd find what you're looking for". Statements such as this are said all the time, not necessarily meant to be taken so harshly, but do you see how something that just flies out of your mouth can have a devastating affect?

You have to be considerate of each other's feelings. If you're not, this will lead to much unwanted tension in your relationship.

When you feel that your marriage is getting tense, talk to your partner. Cut off the arguments before they start. Stop the negative remarks before they happen. When you open the lines of communication, instead of holding back your feelings, you will find that your marriage becomes more stable.

Talking your feelings out is a very simple way to solve many marital problems. Unfortunately, too many married couples don't talk! They keep their feelings bottled up inside, and one day everything explodes. To avoid these explosions, be sure to talk with your spouse. The more you talk, the stronger your bond will grow, and the more your marriage will be able to withstand any problem that comes your way!

Want to know more ways to stop your divorce and save your marriage?

Make sure that you don't leave anything to chance. Learn every last detail on what it takes to turn your marriage problems around and recreate the loving marriage that you always dreamed of. With our help, it is possible to rescue any marriage!

By Leslie Cane

I often get emails from folks who suspect that their spouse no longer wants to be married. I'm often asked for a list of signals and signs to watch for. I will generally preface this by saying that everyone is different. Some people can be very unhappy and discontent in their marriage but can also have a strong level of commitment so that it's going to take a lot to make these people even think about walking away. But, then there are others who will walk (or at least think about it) as soon as the two of you hit a rough patch. It may not yet be clear which of these categories your spouse falls into.

Still, there are generally some signs that you will begin to see as they move away emotionally. The distance may come gradually, but it will generally come. And only time will tell if this distance contributes to their taking this further and leaving the marriage, but it certainly helps to watch for the signs so that you can fix the problems right away before they get any worse. So in the following article, I'll tell you some things to look for which might signal that your spouse is seeing the marriage in negative terms.

They Look At You (And React To You) Differently: It used to be that your spouse's eyes would light up when you walked into the room. The sight of you would always bring a smile to their face. They were always happy to see you and to be with you no matter what else was going on in their life.

But, you may be noticing that things today are in direct contrast to that. They don't even seem to really see you anymore. They may not even glance up anymore when you walk into the room. You may now see a straight line or a scowl instead of a smile. When you ask them about this, they may ask you what you expect after all this time or they may wonder how you can expect the two of you to act like teenagers when you are an old, married couple.

Maybe you could see their point if this was an isolated incident, but it's not. Their indifference to you has become the norm. It's not just a few instances scattered here and here on bad days. Not really seeing one another has become your normal. Yes, it's not unusual for things to calm down and to cool off once you've been married for a while, but couples who are still happy will generally be very aware of the other and will respond with spontaneous positive gestures in the presence of the other. A smile, the brush of a hand, or a palm resting on the back doesn't take any energy or thought at all. They are simply spontaneous reactions that occur when you are deeply connected with someone. If they are not happening, then you have to question the state of the connection.

They're Avoiding Intimate Contact And Conversation: Often when the connection begins to leave the marriage, you'll see either opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of behavior. Either this will come out negatively and you'll see the couple begin to fight, bicker, and "debate" much more. Or, you'll see them become very busy with other things so that they're just not around you as much. This is sort of passive aggressive avoidance.

In this phase, when you are together, you're not fighting. But, you're not being all that intimate either. This is the phase where you're perfectly pleasant, but you're not really talking to him or her as you would a lover. You avoid what's really important. You busy yourself with work or obligations. You talk about the weather, the kids, the stock market, the neighbors down the street. You talk about everything under the sun but your relationship.

It used to be that you could tie up the phone line for hours giggling and sharing and just letting the conversation flow. Now, there may be awkward lags in the conversation or times when you find that they, or you, aren't really listening all that intently anymore.

They Are Starting To Live More Independently: When people start to check out of the marriage or to distance themselves emotionally, you'll typically also see this manifest itself physically. They will begin to spend more time away from home. They'll suddenly want or need to spend more time with friends or other family members. They may take up a new hobby or take on more responsibilities or projects at work. They will want to create an individual identity rather than just a couple identity. They'll start to establish individual rather than couple friends.

They may take separate vacations or open their own bank or money accounts. They may be either very open or secretive about this, but the bottom line is that it stops becoming "we" and starts becoming "I" and "you." They may even encourage you to become more independent so that this process requires less guilt from them. They do this because they want you to begin to establish your own life and interests so when they break comes, it won't be as devastating to either of you.

Sometimes, these things aren't conscious on their part. They're not actually saying to themselves: "well, I know I want to get a divorce next year so I'll start breaking away now." It's more that they are acting on their often unconscious need to start breaking away, even if they've yet to even notice this or to admit the reasons for it, even to themselves.

By Richard Jameson

How to fix a broken marriage can obviously be a very difficult subject so the first thing I am going to say is that you need to gather as much information as possible. Do not try to think up too many of your own plans as you don't want to experiment with your relationship.

The road to fixing a broken marriage is more than likely going to be a rocky and sometimes painful one to follow, but you must focus on how good it is going to feel as you patch things up and move forward.Keep that at the front of your mind at all times.

Here are some simple steps that you can do right now to begin the process of rebuilding your partnership:

* Make a list of all the things that you think went wrong with your marriage. Totally disregard the ones that were not your fault as you cannot change these. Do not hold anyone responsible for them either, simply let them go and shift your focus. Now look at what was your fault. Are you willing to work on the errors you made? If you are then you are ready to move forward.
* Be calm and patient at all times, especially as you begin to communicate with your spouse. Letting your emotions escalate can cause you to say or do something you may later forget. Plus for your wife or husband it is comforting and reassuring for them to see you calm and in total control.
* During this time don't forget to work on yourself. This could be revisiting the list to check that you are making changes to earlier mistakes. It could also be improving your health or appearance. Not only will this make you feel confident and more positive about yourself it could also rekindle a lot of good feelings within your spouse again!

Learning how to fix a broken marriage is delicate and needs to be taken very carefully.

Although this doesn't always mean that it has to take forever. There are a lot of people that have rekindled there love in a very short space of time. It is simply a question of using the right techniques that have been tried, tested and proven to work.

Sanctity Of Marriage

What do we mean by the word “sanctity” it means, “the quality of being sacred or holy. The sacredness of marriage should be revered as a cru...