Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Husband Ignores Me When He Gets Home From Work By Brenda Carter

Wives are always joking about how their husband has selective hearing and that he doesn't hear what we have to say, but what women need to understand is that men are not able to multitask like we can. So when your husband gets home from work and appears to be ignoring you because you try to talk to him right when he walks in the door, it's not because he doesn't want to hear what you have to say. It's because he's overwhelmed at the moment.

Since men are not able to multitask like women can, they need some time to wind down after work and change from work mode to home mode. When you jump on him right after he walks through the door he is not able to process what you are saying, so he turns on the selective hearing that we always joke about and shuts you out. Understanding that this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the way he's wired is important. Instead of getting upset with him for ignoring you, try this one simple tip to help you communicate better with him after a long day at work.

Allow your husband to develop a routine that he can get into whenever he gets home from work. This could be opening the mail, watching his favorite TV show, reading a magazine, or checking his favorite website. What he does all depends on his interests, it will not be the same for every man. This routine will allow his brain to shut off from work mode and switch to home mode. Once the toggle switch has been changed, you will be surprised at how receptive he is to what you have to say. That's it, there's nothing complicated to it.

I hope this tip will allow you and your husband to communicate better with each other. Just understanding how different men and women really are can mean the difference between and OK marriage and a great marriage.

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