Sunday, July 12, 2009

Get Your Ex Back - Do it Now in 3 Easy Steps by H.L Archer

One thing that you should remember about getting your ex back is this. You still have ties to them. No one else has the intimate knowledge of your ex like you do. You know what they like and what they don't like. You know what turns them on and what turns them off.

You must stop and realize how powerful this knowledge is going to be in the quest to get them back. You know them inside and out. All the little secrets. This puts you at a great advantage.

On the other hand, your ex partner knows you and all of your good points and all of your bad points. This could put you at a disadvantage unless you use all of this intimate knowledge of each other in the right way. Here's what you should do:

1. Make contact. If the breakup has been awhile, start now. If the breakup has just happened, don't be too hasty, allow for a cooling off period. When the time is right, call them or arrange through a friend to just happen to run into them.

2. Be cheerful and act as nothing had happened between you. Make cheerful small talk and then let it stay that way for a few days.

3. Contact them again. Start with small talk again and then bring into the conversation about having been to a favorite restaurant of your ex partner. Tell them that you thought of them and wondered if they would like to go there. If they accept, you are half way home.

Here's where you put all of this inside knowledge of them to work. You know what you did when the two of you were first dating. Do the same things again. It worked then and it will work now.

Play to the things they like and steer clear of the things that they don't like. Be at your best. Remember you are dating again and you want only your best side to show. Do these things and you will come out a winner and get your ex back

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