Do you know that God designed marriage to work according to the way
he created the man and the woman in the garden of Eden? Each of them has
its own marital duties that when practiced appropriately make the
marriage successful. The bible makes it clear by commanding husband and
wife to fulfill their marital duties to each other. (1 Corinthians 7:3)
What are these martial duties that scripture is talking about?
1. Wife Should Submit To Her Husband.(Ephesians 5:22)
It is a wife's duty to submit to her husband. God created a hierarchy
in marriage according to how he created men and women. Jesus Christ is
head over the husband and husbands are head over the wife in just the
same way that Christ is head over the church, his body, of which he is
the Savior". (Ephesians 5:23) This does not mean that man is superior to
the woman.
In God's eyes men and women are equal heirs of His
kingdom, and that's all that matters! In society there is a push and
shove mentality that the different sexes exhibit with each other from
time to time, but it doesn't mean a thing! You can't take this life to
heaven with you. Why work so hard proving something that you cannot take
to heaven with you? In fact, you will not see heaven if you are so
burdened in this life with things of the flesh. "For where your treasure
is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
God chose
to make Eve out of Adams flesh and bones, which illustrates that in
marriage man and woman symbolically become "one flesh". The goal in
marriage should always be of "oneness" between husband and wife. Do you
see "oneness" in marriage today? The wife is doing her own thing and the
husband is doing his own thing. They each have their own jobs, their
own money, their own friends, etc. Are we honoring God with our
marriage, or satan? Where is the oneness? Why are we not procuring for
ourselves spiritual treasures that we can take to heaven with us?
a Christian wife rebels against her duty of marriage she is rebelling
against God and His plan for her in the marriage, consequently the
marriage will have difficulties, much like what we are seeing today.
Reality is, if the husband does not fulfill his marital duty to his wife
properly she will have a difficult time submitting to her husband. In
fact this is where the attitude of feeling like a doormat has been
brought into Christian culture.
Wrong attitudes grow like yeast
does in bread dough. I would venture to say that ninety percent of the
Christian culture has been deceived and they don't even know it. Women
have been deceived into believing that being a wife and mother is not
good enough and that she must go to college and have a good career and
boss her husband around. After all, most women have been told they are
equal to or above men and will not be treated like a doormat. Many of
them have the "no man will tell me what to do" attitude!
More and
more men are being emasculated by their wives. Consequently men are
looking outside of America for suitable marriage spouses so they may
find a good woman who will treat him like a man. I know of many such
marriages and the wives are treated with love and almost anything their
heart desires. Many American women are really missing out on the
blessings that come with a healthy Godly marriage.
If one link in
the marriage is weak, ultimately the marriage will have no leg to stand
on. Why is it so important that wives honor and submit to their husbands
in everything? It is because her husband, being the man that God
created him to be has a built in natural instinct to be a protector,
provider, and leader. All men have this ability, even those men who
believe they were born without it. When a woman usurps her husband's
headship she will be in constant suffering in her marriage because she
is trying to row her boat against the nature of the current.
A man
needs to be treated like a man for him to be able to properly carry out
his God-given calling. It is wrong for any woman to try and undermine
the natural instincts of her husband because of a messed up attitude
that has evolved from a confused culture-it is not natural for a woman
to behave like a man and it is not natural for a man to behave like a
woman--it doesn't matter what century we are living in!
love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up
for her". (Ephesians 5:25) Husbands are commanded to love their wives-in
the same way Christ loved and gave himself up for us. This is why it is
so important to understand what real love is. Love is not s superficial
feeling of lust and desires like so many think, but principled acts and
behaviors that must be acted upon and sometimes sacrificed for.
husband cannot love his wife properly if he does not put Jesus Christ
above himself and utilize the power of the Holy Spirit within him. Now
there is a wonderful treasure to store up for yourself in this life.
When a husband loves his wife in the ways of the Lord, he is giving up
his own life for that of his wife, to make sure her needs are met and
taken care of, above his own. A husband must pray about this daily and
ask Christ to help him love his wife because there will be days when he
may not feel like being very loving.
A man who learns to love his
wife in the ways of God will be blessed with much marital happiness. The
results will be a wife who respects, honors and loves her husband.
Let's stop all the fussing and fighting and lets start honoring God with
our marriage. What one thing can you do today to help bring your
marriage back to God? What spiritual treasures can you store up for
yourselves in marriage?
Do you feel intimidated to submit to your
husband's? Are you loving your wife in the Lord? If you want a
gloriously blessed marriage, husbands must take back their God-given
headship position and start honoring God with their marriage! This is
what will fix Christian culture! Do you think you can make headship and
submission work in your marriage? I do.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
It is not easy to deal with infidelity in marriage. Infidelity causes
emotional problems that couples feel the only solution is to end the
marriage. Before you start thinking of ending your marital relationship
with your spouse because of infidelity, consider the following:
Realize That It Is A Sin To Cheat On Your Partner.
The moment you think it's a normal thing to cheat on your partner you cannot stop it. However, if you see it from God’s point of view that infidelity is a sin, it will help you to have godly fear, which brings repentance, and restraint.
Resolve To End The Affair.
If you are to overcome infidelity and save your marriage, you need to end the illicit affair with your lover. You can do that by deleting the phone number. Again, you can as well put an appointment to meet each other so that you can officially end the relationship. please avoid the meeting at closed door room or office. just meet at any eatery, that is safe for you.
Identify The Causes Of The Infidelity.
Infidelity does not just happen. Many things lead to it. Through experience over the years as a minister of God, I have come to discover that many men are unfaithful due lack of sexual satisfaction. Their wives turn them down when they need sex. Therefore, if such men are not God fearing they might be tempted to go elsewhere for satisfaction.
How can this problem of sexual denial be solved? The man should be able to tell his wife her attitude of sexual denial. . Do you know some women are frigid? That is, they don’t have sexual desire. As a result, they can stay for a long time without sex.
Now when such a woman is your wife, it takes the grace of God for her to comply, to voluntarily give herself to you. However, a wife who is frigid should not starve her husband of sex.
Some men deny their wives sex too. The bible said that the man and his wife have no right to their body as far as sex is concerned. So to kill infidelity, try as much as possible to satisfy your partner sexually.
Rebuild Trust.
After an affair, it can take time to learn to trust your partner again. Begin the healing process by being open about your feelings and sharing time together as a couple. For instance, when you receive phone call or text message from your your secret former lover, let your partner know about it. You might even tell your partner to pick the call,read the text message.
Forgive One Another.
They say to ‘err is human and to forgive is divine’. Forgiveness is not easy in this horrible case of infidelity. But when we realize the love of God for us, it becomes easy for us to practice forgiveness. Look at your partner eyeball to eyeball and say sorry. That is the only way-healing can to take place. and when your partner says sorry , please forgive and forget.
And when you say you are sorry for the past act of infidelity, don’t go back to your lover again. Try to avoid all the temptations that can lead to that. Start building trust. Let your partner see a new person in you. If you can maintain your promise not to cheat again, your marriage will be healed.
Realize That It Is A Sin To Cheat On Your Partner.
The moment you think it's a normal thing to cheat on your partner you cannot stop it. However, if you see it from God’s point of view that infidelity is a sin, it will help you to have godly fear, which brings repentance, and restraint.
Resolve To End The Affair.
If you are to overcome infidelity and save your marriage, you need to end the illicit affair with your lover. You can do that by deleting the phone number. Again, you can as well put an appointment to meet each other so that you can officially end the relationship. please avoid the meeting at closed door room or office. just meet at any eatery, that is safe for you.
Identify The Causes Of The Infidelity.
Infidelity does not just happen. Many things lead to it. Through experience over the years as a minister of God, I have come to discover that many men are unfaithful due lack of sexual satisfaction. Their wives turn them down when they need sex. Therefore, if such men are not God fearing they might be tempted to go elsewhere for satisfaction.
How can this problem of sexual denial be solved? The man should be able to tell his wife her attitude of sexual denial. . Do you know some women are frigid? That is, they don’t have sexual desire. As a result, they can stay for a long time without sex.
Now when such a woman is your wife, it takes the grace of God for her to comply, to voluntarily give herself to you. However, a wife who is frigid should not starve her husband of sex.
Some men deny their wives sex too. The bible said that the man and his wife have no right to their body as far as sex is concerned. So to kill infidelity, try as much as possible to satisfy your partner sexually.
Rebuild Trust.
After an affair, it can take time to learn to trust your partner again. Begin the healing process by being open about your feelings and sharing time together as a couple. For instance, when you receive phone call or text message from your your secret former lover, let your partner know about it. You might even tell your partner to pick the call,read the text message.
Forgive One Another.
They say to ‘err is human and to forgive is divine’. Forgiveness is not easy in this horrible case of infidelity. But when we realize the love of God for us, it becomes easy for us to practice forgiveness. Look at your partner eyeball to eyeball and say sorry. That is the only way-healing can to take place. and when your partner says sorry , please forgive and forget.
And when you say you are sorry for the past act of infidelity, don’t go back to your lover again. Try to avoid all the temptations that can lead to that. Start building trust. Let your partner see a new person in you. If you can maintain your promise not to cheat again, your marriage will be healed.
Seven Important Steps To Revive The Spark In Your Marriage
Remember when you two were so deeply in love that nothing could
separate you? A lot of us have come to expect that the passion wears off
after a few years, but it doesn’t have to. Here are a four steps you
can do to reignite and rekindle the flame in your relationship:
1) Date Like You Used To Date In The Beginning
Many couples settle into routines; they come home from work, eat dinner, watch some television and then sleep. It can get very boring sometimes. So to spice things up, spent one night a week having a night out, and spend it just like you used to when you both were dating. You need to remind each other why you both got together in the first place. If you have children, leave them with a grandparent or a babysitter for just that one night. You will definitely enjoy the peacefulness and focus on each other.
2) Communicate
A lack of communication can be the main cause of a monotonous relationship. Effect communication is vital to keep the spark alive. If you feel your partner is not spending enough time with you, speak your mind. Sit down and discuss about it. It may bring back the charm of your relationship.
3) Be Romantic
In the beginning, almost all couples flirt with each other. You already know how to turn each other on mentally, emotionally and physically. So why not send your significant other a flirtatious text or email in the middle of the day for no reason. Tease them a little bit. Tell them how much you miss them. Tell them how good it feels to be in a relationship with them. Random compliments in the middle of the day for no reason at all will reignite a romantic spark.
4) Explore Something New Together
Get away for the weekend. Take a road trip together. Explore a new activity together. It doesn't matter if it's dancing, cooking class, learning a sport or something else. It only matters that you learn something together. Doing that will make you ignore the current issues between you, plus it creates something new about which the two of you can talk.
5) Bedtime sharing
Go to bed at the same time, together, every night. This is huge. That means turning off the TV, the night-light and the phone. This is your time together. Cuddle and talk, make love if the urge strikes, but that is not the point. The point is to talk about your day, your worries, and your hopes. Discover that in spite of all the time you have spent together, you still don’t know each other. If you don’t live together, or are not together for whatever reason, talk on the phone after you climb into bed.
6) Touch well, touch often: Touch your partner as often as possible, and get them to touch you as often as possible. Skin to skin contact increases a hormone called oxytocin, the hormone of love. Oxytocin increases trust and a sense of safety; it reduces stress and increases sexual arousal.
7) Play together. Be playful in your interactions. Have a sense of humour in times of stress. Find something playful to do that you both enjoy and make it a priority to keep it in your schedule. Play is critical to our sense of connection to others, and to our joy in life. It also expands our ability to think, develops creativity, and gives us a sense of joy in addition to develops trust and engenders caring.
1) Date Like You Used To Date In The Beginning
Many couples settle into routines; they come home from work, eat dinner, watch some television and then sleep. It can get very boring sometimes. So to spice things up, spent one night a week having a night out, and spend it just like you used to when you both were dating. You need to remind each other why you both got together in the first place. If you have children, leave them with a grandparent or a babysitter for just that one night. You will definitely enjoy the peacefulness and focus on each other.
2) Communicate
A lack of communication can be the main cause of a monotonous relationship. Effect communication is vital to keep the spark alive. If you feel your partner is not spending enough time with you, speak your mind. Sit down and discuss about it. It may bring back the charm of your relationship.
3) Be Romantic
In the beginning, almost all couples flirt with each other. You already know how to turn each other on mentally, emotionally and physically. So why not send your significant other a flirtatious text or email in the middle of the day for no reason. Tease them a little bit. Tell them how much you miss them. Tell them how good it feels to be in a relationship with them. Random compliments in the middle of the day for no reason at all will reignite a romantic spark.
4) Explore Something New Together
Get away for the weekend. Take a road trip together. Explore a new activity together. It doesn't matter if it's dancing, cooking class, learning a sport or something else. It only matters that you learn something together. Doing that will make you ignore the current issues between you, plus it creates something new about which the two of you can talk.
5) Bedtime sharing
Go to bed at the same time, together, every night. This is huge. That means turning off the TV, the night-light and the phone. This is your time together. Cuddle and talk, make love if the urge strikes, but that is not the point. The point is to talk about your day, your worries, and your hopes. Discover that in spite of all the time you have spent together, you still don’t know each other. If you don’t live together, or are not together for whatever reason, talk on the phone after you climb into bed.
6) Touch well, touch often: Touch your partner as often as possible, and get them to touch you as often as possible. Skin to skin contact increases a hormone called oxytocin, the hormone of love. Oxytocin increases trust and a sense of safety; it reduces stress and increases sexual arousal.
7) Play together. Be playful in your interactions. Have a sense of humour in times of stress. Find something playful to do that you both enjoy and make it a priority to keep it in your schedule. Play is critical to our sense of connection to others, and to our joy in life. It also expands our ability to think, develops creativity, and gives us a sense of joy in addition to develops trust and engenders caring.
Recognising The Signs Of A Marriage Breakdown
Many marriages end up in divorce because they wait too late to get
help that is needed to save their marriage. Ignoring marital problems
can build up resentment, hurt feelings and cause on spouse to
emotionally detach from the other. Seek a professional help if the
following signs are occurring in your marriage:
1. You Often Dream About a Life Without Your Spouse
Thinking about how much better life would be if you were divorced is common. However, if it occurs ever so frequently, this is a sign of trouble. It indicates that you are stuck in an unpleasant situation without any solution.
2. The Bad in The Marriage Outweighs The Good
If the negative outweighs the good in your marriage, your marriage is in trouble and is in need of help. Not taking pro-active steps to solve marital problems will lead to other problems that destroys the marriage.
3. You Keep Things to Yourself
Communication is an important to relieve stress and build a healthier bond between couples. Lack of communication indicates the lack of trust in your spouse. A marriage can't survive where there are issues of trust.
4. Arguing over the same subject repeatedly.
If your arguments become routine with all the same issues and no resolution, then your marriage is either standing still or dying fast.
5. You Feel Like You are The Only One Trying to Solve Problems
You feel frustrated because every time you try to discuss marital problems, your spouse backs up from you. Eventually one or the other spouse will shut down all together and no longer be interested in solving the marital problems.
6. Intimacy is a thing of the past
A considerable decline in physical affection is one of the most recognized symptoms of a failing relationship. Intimacy is the act that allows us to bond as husband and wife. If your partner is showing no or very little interest in intimacy, they are less caring about the emotional bond between the two of you.
1. You Often Dream About a Life Without Your Spouse
Thinking about how much better life would be if you were divorced is common. However, if it occurs ever so frequently, this is a sign of trouble. It indicates that you are stuck in an unpleasant situation without any solution.
2. The Bad in The Marriage Outweighs The Good
If the negative outweighs the good in your marriage, your marriage is in trouble and is in need of help. Not taking pro-active steps to solve marital problems will lead to other problems that destroys the marriage.
3. You Keep Things to Yourself
Communication is an important to relieve stress and build a healthier bond between couples. Lack of communication indicates the lack of trust in your spouse. A marriage can't survive where there are issues of trust.
4. Arguing over the same subject repeatedly.
If your arguments become routine with all the same issues and no resolution, then your marriage is either standing still or dying fast.
5. You Feel Like You are The Only One Trying to Solve Problems
You feel frustrated because every time you try to discuss marital problems, your spouse backs up from you. Eventually one or the other spouse will shut down all together and no longer be interested in solving the marital problems.
6. Intimacy is a thing of the past
A considerable decline in physical affection is one of the most recognized symptoms of a failing relationship. Intimacy is the act that allows us to bond as husband and wife. If your partner is showing no or very little interest in intimacy, they are less caring about the emotional bond between the two of you.
Duties Of Ideal Husband
Duties Of The Husband
The word husband comes from some Anglo-Saxon words which means ‘‘house band’’. This implies a stripe of metal (a rope) used to bind the house together. A husband therefore binds together the home in terms of its organization and control.
Headship Of The Family
2. Love. The husband is not only the head of his home, but should exercise love. Should show love to his wife. From the scripture we shall see ways he will show love to his wife.(Eph. 5:25-29)
1. Spiritual needs: the word of God, prayer, church service attendance
2. Physical needs: Food, clothing, accommodation, education etc
3. The husband must understand his wife’s sexual needs.
4. Provide For Her Sexually
The word husband comes from some Anglo-Saxon words which means ‘‘house band’’. This implies a stripe of metal (a rope) used to bind the house together. A husband therefore binds together the home in terms of its organization and control.
Headship Of The Family
- Headship connotes:
- Authority: in bringing up children
- Leadership; in providing direction and guidance
- Responsibility: decision-making; don’t shirk it so that you can blame someone else when things backfires
2. Love. The husband is not only the head of his home, but should exercise love. Should show love to his wife. From the scripture we shall see ways he will show love to his wife.(Eph. 5:25-29)
- The husband should give his wife his best, sacrificially (verse 25)
- Present her back to himself (verse 27)
- He should nourish and cherish her(with the word of God and physical things)
- Let her feel accepted and special
- Stay at home as often as possible and provide companionship
- Do not be hash on her Col 3:19
- Listen to her a lot and encourage her talk
- Let her feel important with you- especially in public (speak about her positively)Be tolerant because she is the weaker
- Protect And Care For Her
- Protect her from the strain of hard work
- Protect her from the attack of relatives (she is more susceptible to attacks e.g. spiritually, psychologically and emotionally)Help to organize her life –timetable, planning and pursuit of great career etc
- Work Hard To Provide For The Needs Of The Family (1Tim.5:8)
1. Spiritual needs: the word of God, prayer, church service attendance
2. Physical needs: Food, clothing, accommodation, education etc
3. The husband must understand his wife’s sexual needs.
4. Provide For Her Sexually
Duties Of Ideal Wife
Eve was created to be Adam’s HELPMEET. Therefore, whatever the woman does, her motive must be to help, protect, motivate, uplift and promote her husband.
Here we are to see the duties of the wife to her husband:
I. Love Her Husband. Some women do not love the men they marry. The reasons for this may include the following:
II. Submit To Your Husband (Eph 5:22-23)
The word submission means to give up, give in surrender, yield, succumb, and acknowledge defeat, humble oneself etc.
Every wife has a God given duty to satisfy needs of her husband. Usually, the need to have sex is greater for a man than for a woman, and many wives find their husbands’ persistent advances for sex a bother. A wife should know and understand that if she does not take care of her husband’s sexual needs, she may push him to seek fulfillment elsewhere and this will lead to a lot of heartaches and pain. It is therefore in her interest to satisfy him sexually whenever he demands it. Sexual relationship between husband and wife is for:
Here we are to see the duties of the wife to her husband:
I. Love Her Husband. Some women do not love the men they marry. The reasons for this may include the following:
- She married him because of material benefits she wanted to acquire
- She might have been growing old so she accepted the marriage as a desperate measure
- She might have gotten herself pregnant be accident
II. Submit To Your Husband (Eph 5:22-23)
The word submission means to give up, give in surrender, yield, succumb, and acknowledge defeat, humble oneself etc.
- A wife should not be autocratic, or erratic in her actions.
- The man has a mission in the family while the woman has a sub-mission.
- She should not insist on rights. She should not be obstinate and stubborn
- She is not independent, and should not act as one.
- She should be able to chat with her husband when he is quiet, encourage him when he is down
- She should not disrespect her husband both in private and in public
- She should not be a nagger in words and expression (Prov.21:19
- Not a talkative.
- A man is a king in his household or he is nothing at all
- Reverence And Honour him (1Pet. 3:1-6)
- Preparations and feeding of the family
- Managing of the family food money
- Keeping at home when necessary
- Must be a hardworking and not a demanding waste pipe (prov 31
- Must give affection service to: husband, children, maids, relatives and neighbours
- She must be ready to take care of all her visitors to their family. Furthermore, she must be willing to share with members of the extended families of both parties. She should not scare away people by selfishness or stinginess.
- She must take care of her body in order to remain attractive and wholesome to her husband.
- She must keep her home and environment clean
- She must not only appear beautiful and attractive outside but must be same inside.
- Beautification And Adornment (1Pet3:3-4; Songs of Solomon 4:1-7;Prov 31:22-24
Every wife has a God given duty to satisfy needs of her husband. Usually, the need to have sex is greater for a man than for a woman, and many wives find their husbands’ persistent advances for sex a bother. A wife should know and understand that if she does not take care of her husband’s sexual needs, she may push him to seek fulfillment elsewhere and this will lead to a lot of heartaches and pain. It is therefore in her interest to satisfy him sexually whenever he demands it. Sexual relationship between husband and wife is for:
- Procreation(gen 1:28)
- Prevention of sin of adultery (1Cor 7:1-2)
- For pleasure (Gen 18:12)
Ideal couples And Financial Management
- Open a current or savings account. Most people will open the accounts in both names, but this can lead to problems later. If you are managing the finances and your spouse decides he needs more funds than he has, you could end up getting overdrawn, because you both are trying to use the same money.
i. God first (first and best fruits(Tithes), offerings)
ii. Buying food in bulk saves money and reduces financial stress.
iii. Allow money for your immediate needs. Make sure you provide spending money for you and your spouse. You will need lunch money and other miscellaneous expenses that you have every day.
iv.Save to spend money. If you are planning on buying a house or having a family, you will want to put money aside for these things. The best way is to put an amount into your monthly budget to plan for the things you want.
v. Figure out what money you have after you have completed the above steps. From this, you can decide what your priorities are. Speak with your spouse--he should have input on this so he doesn't feel as if he has lost all control of the family finances--this can avoid fights later.
vi. Divide your categories. Some spending is absolutely necessary such as rent and utilities. (Called non-discretionary spending) and others are things that we buy but don't absolutely have to do so (Discretionary spending). Make two columns on a piece of paper and write down your costs dividing them into the 2 types of spending. You could call these Necessities and Wants.
vii. Pay Yourself.Whether you are doing well or struggling financially, find a way to save on a regular basis. Add a small amount of savings to your Necessities costs and never touch it unless you are on the verge of being thrown out onto the street! We all need a cushion for unexpected emergencies, not to mention wanting to go on well-earned vacations. Don't go into debt, save for what you want!
viii. A Change in Thinking and Lifestyle
This article is really about changing the way you approach money both in your thinking and actions. Don't fall in love with money or the things it can buy you. They can't buy you happiness. Eliminating debt and having money are tools to give you one of the most important things in life: Freedom!
3. Attitude to money in home.
A. Discuss money openly. Aim at transparency/openness in everything, especially in money matters.
B. Avoid selfishness
C. Note that you (both0 are only stewards of God’s money
D. Spend it according to God’s wishes
E. You are accountable to him
4. Understanding financial Headship
Headship in the home extents to finances as well. Therefore, no matter who earns more, the man must rule the finances of the home with wisdom and fairness. He must have a clear vision or foresight for the home to better the lot of the family, for instance, a Plan to own a house someday.
1. As a financial head, he must avoid stinginess, meanness, and irresponsibility.
2. Avoid lack of Money
Lack of money should not be a permanent situation in the family. Problems associated with lack of money are: tension, quarrels, misunderstanding, mistrust, suspiciousness infidelity, etc.
Husband should try as much as possible to ensure that money does not lack at home.subsequently, where the husband has tried his possible best to put food on the table, and he couldn’t because of some circumstances, his wife should not fold her hands and allow hunger destroy her family.
5. Know the Dangers of Covetousness.
Covetousness arises when husband/wife compare their property or children with those of others. It leads to:
- Dissatisfaction in the wife/husband
- Unreasonable demands being made
- Murmuring
- Misspending
- .Borrowing to maintain a certain lifestyle
Temperaments And Marriage - Sanguine Husband
Temperaments are the inbuilt characters of a person that cannot be
changed, but can be controlled by the Holy Spirit. In marriage, couples
need to study the temperaments of each other, for that is the only way
they can cope during trying periods. In temperament, we have weaknesses
and strengths.
Weaknesses are that characters that when you display make your spouse wonder whether you are a christian.While strengths are your good characters. Today you are going to learn about the weaknesses and strengths of a sanguine husband.
I. The Strengths of A Sanguine Husband.
A sanguine husband believes in looking good all the time. He is emotionally warm, friendly and sympathetic to the tears of his friends.He does not like sad or gloomy moments. Life to him is fun, so he loves staying out doors with friends, eating and drinking.
When offended, he quickly tells you what you did to him was wrong. And immediately he pours out his mind that ends all the quarrels. He has no time for grudges. He is expressive in public- in storytelling conversations, exaggerations and actions. Because he is a gifted orator, everybody likes hearing him speak. In fact, he is good in talking people into joining or buying his products. If filled with the Holy Spirit, and has a call, he will be a great evangelist.
He loves his wife and children dearly, and can do anything to make them happy.
II. The Weakness of A Sanguine Husband
The sanguine husband has the following weaknesses: He lacks discipline in all he does. He hardly concentrates on his studies, prayers, and church activities.He talks more than women. He gossips, and backbites. He speaks people out of their duty posts.
He exaggerates whenever he is speaking, just to motivate his listeners to believe his story. He is hot tempered. He is easily irritated whenever people want to take him for granted.
He is prone to unfaithfulness- to time, appointments and promises. It’s so because he is weak-willed when faced with great challenges. (Jon.21:3)
He spends whatever he earns anyhow. He is unconstrained and usually overspends. Spirituality. He is carnal and fleshly. Lives women, food and wine.(Rom.8:6-7)
He is untidy- throwing things about. His house is always not swept, cloths and plates, unwashed etc.
He loses interest easily. He may enter and leave a relationship easily. He can be unfaithful to his wife by following other women who are more attractive, cheerful and sexually active than his wife.(2 Sam.11:2-5)
As a sanguine husband, you need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to bring out the best in your temperaments. There is no excuse to the expression of your weaknesses. God expects you to overcome your weaknesses (Rom.8:11, 13)
Weaknesses are that characters that when you display make your spouse wonder whether you are a christian.While strengths are your good characters. Today you are going to learn about the weaknesses and strengths of a sanguine husband.
I. The Strengths of A Sanguine Husband.
A sanguine husband believes in looking good all the time. He is emotionally warm, friendly and sympathetic to the tears of his friends.He does not like sad or gloomy moments. Life to him is fun, so he loves staying out doors with friends, eating and drinking.
When offended, he quickly tells you what you did to him was wrong. And immediately he pours out his mind that ends all the quarrels. He has no time for grudges. He is expressive in public- in storytelling conversations, exaggerations and actions. Because he is a gifted orator, everybody likes hearing him speak. In fact, he is good in talking people into joining or buying his products. If filled with the Holy Spirit, and has a call, he will be a great evangelist.
He loves his wife and children dearly, and can do anything to make them happy.
II. The Weakness of A Sanguine Husband
The sanguine husband has the following weaknesses: He lacks discipline in all he does. He hardly concentrates on his studies, prayers, and church activities.He talks more than women. He gossips, and backbites. He speaks people out of their duty posts.
He exaggerates whenever he is speaking, just to motivate his listeners to believe his story. He is hot tempered. He is easily irritated whenever people want to take him for granted.
He is prone to unfaithfulness- to time, appointments and promises. It’s so because he is weak-willed when faced with great challenges. (Jon.21:3)
He spends whatever he earns anyhow. He is unconstrained and usually overspends. Spirituality. He is carnal and fleshly. Lives women, food and wine.(Rom.8:6-7)
He is untidy- throwing things about. His house is always not swept, cloths and plates, unwashed etc.
He loses interest easily. He may enter and leave a relationship easily. He can be unfaithful to his wife by following other women who are more attractive, cheerful and sexually active than his wife.(2 Sam.11:2-5)
As a sanguine husband, you need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to bring out the best in your temperaments. There is no excuse to the expression of your weaknesses. God expects you to overcome your weaknesses (Rom.8:11, 13)
Temperaments And Marriage -Sanguine
Temperament, in simple terms, is the inborn part of man that
determines how he reacts to people, places and things. We have four
temperaments (Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic). Our study today shall be dealing on the Weaknesses and strengths of a sanguine wife.
I. The Strengths of A Sanguine Wife.
She is adorable and popular. Always being elected as a spoke person in any occasion. She is the easiest personality to spot in a crowd- she talks a great deal, usually laughs loudly, and has many gestures, like waving her arms in the air. She can talk for hours on a topic she has little or not much information about.
She is good at networking/marketing- she knows virtually everyone. She is a good motivator of people, ready to convince people to do things they wouldn’t normally do on their own. She doesn’t hold grudges when her feelings are hurt. Always ready to apologize when she does something wrong.
She likes throwing parties and attending them. At the party all actions revolves around her. She accepts the fact that everybody has faults and makes mistake. She has no desire to judge others and this attitude makes her popular.
She lives by principle of acceptance- her slogan is ‘‘live and let live’’. She doesn’t spend her time thinking about what is wrong with people she meets. She rather focuses on what is right about people and about life. She is creative. She is a creative dresser and likes new hairstyles and colours. Her creativity may extend to baking, decoration, and entertaining.
she has a seemingly childlike faith and trust in human beings- believing the best about her husband and others She loves her husband dearly, and can do anything to make him happy. She is very good at bed. In fact her husband must be ready to satisfy her at all times.
II. The Weakness of A Sanguine Wife.
A sanguine wife is talkative. She often wonders why everyone else is quiet all the time. Because she doesn’t pay attention to details she may say the wrong things and embarrass those close to her. She tends to exaggerate for effect and therefore is seen as not telling the truth.
Permissive. She may allow her children to behave anyhow and may not take danger signs in marriage and life in general seriously.She is forgetful and unreliable. She does not remember appointments and schedules. Also often get excited about role but is not around for the implementations.
She fusses and complains when she has to work a little. She doesn’t like to work. She loves fun all through.A messy Housekeeper. She never seems to know where anything is because of her unsteadiness.
Happiness in marriage is greatly dependent on how well each spouse understands their partner's temperament and how willing they are to meet their partner's temperament needs.
I. The Strengths of A Sanguine Wife.
She is adorable and popular. Always being elected as a spoke person in any occasion. She is the easiest personality to spot in a crowd- she talks a great deal, usually laughs loudly, and has many gestures, like waving her arms in the air. She can talk for hours on a topic she has little or not much information about.
She is good at networking/marketing- she knows virtually everyone. She is a good motivator of people, ready to convince people to do things they wouldn’t normally do on their own. She doesn’t hold grudges when her feelings are hurt. Always ready to apologize when she does something wrong.
She likes throwing parties and attending them. At the party all actions revolves around her. She accepts the fact that everybody has faults and makes mistake. She has no desire to judge others and this attitude makes her popular.
She lives by principle of acceptance- her slogan is ‘‘live and let live’’. She doesn’t spend her time thinking about what is wrong with people she meets. She rather focuses on what is right about people and about life. She is creative. She is a creative dresser and likes new hairstyles and colours. Her creativity may extend to baking, decoration, and entertaining.
she has a seemingly childlike faith and trust in human beings- believing the best about her husband and others She loves her husband dearly, and can do anything to make him happy. She is very good at bed. In fact her husband must be ready to satisfy her at all times.
II. The Weakness of A Sanguine Wife.
A sanguine wife is talkative. She often wonders why everyone else is quiet all the time. Because she doesn’t pay attention to details she may say the wrong things and embarrass those close to her. She tends to exaggerate for effect and therefore is seen as not telling the truth.
Permissive. She may allow her children to behave anyhow and may not take danger signs in marriage and life in general seriously.She is forgetful and unreliable. She does not remember appointments and schedules. Also often get excited about role but is not around for the implementations.
She fusses and complains when she has to work a little. She doesn’t like to work. She loves fun all through.A messy Housekeeper. She never seems to know where anything is because of her unsteadiness.
Happiness in marriage is greatly dependent on how well each spouse understands their partner's temperament and how willing they are to meet their partner's temperament needs.
What To Do When Your Spouse Is Sick
The only time you need to show love to your spouse is during
sickness. The possibility for your relationship to change with an
illness is there. To some couples, during illness Is the time to stay
late at night, to only come back when the sick one has almost being
exhausted, fainted, because of hunger. But sure I got a lot of
information for you, on what to do to keep the love flowing.
Have a Positive Attitude About The Sickness
See in your mind's eye someone telling you that your spouse has 90 percent chance of getting better. Does that sound good? Of course it does. It's always worthwhile to think positively. In fact, experts in psychology say that ‘a positive attitude enhances your immune system and will actually increase your chances of a full recovery’
so when you have positive mindset, toward your sick spouse it will create positive reaction. your sick spouse will have faith that soon the sickness will be over.
The time of illness is the time two of you have to keep the channels of communication open more than ever. Remember to do the following:
Let you partner know you want to be alone. Discuss this to your spouse kindly. The reason for this information is to avoid disturbance when you want to be alone.
Try your best to always give each other your full attention. A sick person needs attention more than anything, so provide time for that.
If you are feeling scared and fearful as a result of your spouse’s condition, share it with your spouse. As much as you might want to push him or her away, try as hard as you can to draw him or her closer to you.
Give your spouse the chance to support you. Don’t see it that his/her presence is a disturbance. Physical contact is healing and creates closeness. Hug each other often.
Love your spouse. During this critical time, you need to show love to your spouse; the reason is that it makes the relationship strong. Instead of trying to regret or complain, why not say “I love you”
Have fun Together.
Since you might not be able to go to a movie or out to dinner or to some important places of fun, yet you can still have fun together by setting out time to be alone at home without any interruptions. There are many things that you can do to have fun, even if you don't have much energy. Here are some things to try:
Tell story that will build hope. The best is bible stories that talk about those that put their face in God and how they received their healing.
Draw some colorful pictures together.
Watch an interesting movie together
Read a book to each other.
By the time you follow these principles, your sick spouse will not only appreciate you, but will be relieved of some unwanted tension whether you will abandon the house and run away.
Have a Positive Attitude About The Sickness
See in your mind's eye someone telling you that your spouse has 90 percent chance of getting better. Does that sound good? Of course it does. It's always worthwhile to think positively. In fact, experts in psychology say that ‘a positive attitude enhances your immune system and will actually increase your chances of a full recovery’
so when you have positive mindset, toward your sick spouse it will create positive reaction. your sick spouse will have faith that soon the sickness will be over.
The time of illness is the time two of you have to keep the channels of communication open more than ever. Remember to do the following:
Let you partner know you want to be alone. Discuss this to your spouse kindly. The reason for this information is to avoid disturbance when you want to be alone.
Try your best to always give each other your full attention. A sick person needs attention more than anything, so provide time for that.
If you are feeling scared and fearful as a result of your spouse’s condition, share it with your spouse. As much as you might want to push him or her away, try as hard as you can to draw him or her closer to you.
Give your spouse the chance to support you. Don’t see it that his/her presence is a disturbance. Physical contact is healing and creates closeness. Hug each other often.
Love your spouse. During this critical time, you need to show love to your spouse; the reason is that it makes the relationship strong. Instead of trying to regret or complain, why not say “I love you”
Have fun Together.
Since you might not be able to go to a movie or out to dinner or to some important places of fun, yet you can still have fun together by setting out time to be alone at home without any interruptions. There are many things that you can do to have fun, even if you don't have much energy. Here are some things to try:
Tell story that will build hope. The best is bible stories that talk about those that put their face in God and how they received their healing.
Draw some colorful pictures together.
Watch an interesting movie together
Read a book to each other.
By the time you follow these principles, your sick spouse will not only appreciate you, but will be relieved of some unwanted tension whether you will abandon the house and run away.
How To Fix Relationship Problems Before It Is Too Late
Keeping your relationship on an even keel
takes work and if you think you need help with relationship problems you
and your partner have to resolve the issues together.Don't leave it too
late to sort out a problem because the longer it goes on, the more
difficult they become to sort out.
A relationship means having a connection and a partnership with somebody. Most relationships begin well, full of love and devotion. However, over time sometimes the love and devotion can fade and you're left confused. You think that you did nothing wrong and don't take any responsibility. Or, you may blame yourself totally and recognize that you need relationship help.
It's never too late to salvage a relationship if both parties are willing to work together as a team. Here are 5 steps to follow that help with relationship problems.
1. Commitment.
Both you and your partner must be committed to working on ways to repair your relationship. Commitment can sound very scary and many people run from the thought of it. But, if your relationship is to succeed, you both must be committed to the same values and goals.
2. Acknowledge the Problem.
You must recognize why you need relationship help and get the problems out in the open. Usually, both are to blame for not fulfilling each other's needs. You might discover you never knew what those needs were because you fail to share. Sharing is bonding. In order to share you must communicate and learn about each other's feelings and needs. Both of you could be hurting and the other not know.
3. Neither Is To Blame.
When you need relationship help, neither of you may be to blame. This is why communication and sharing are so important. As you talk about your feelings be rational, reasonable and calm. No one wins an argument or a discussion by getting angry. You are two different people with different views and perspectives. Likely there is no right or wrong here, just differences. Being different doesn't mean you cannot help with relationship problems. The differences could be what brought you together in the first place.
4. Respect The Differences.
The basic needs of a relationship are to respect those differences and find mutual understanding. Show an interest in your partner's hobbies and interests and find some time to get involved so you can experience it together. You may discover that you enjoy it and want to do it again.
5. What Is Right And What Is Wrong?
Talking about what is right as well as what is wrong is part of the approach to help with relationship problems. Let go of resentment and guilt over emotional baggage from the past. If your partner has done something that you think you cannot forgive, just know someone else can and will carry on where you let the good thing go. Take your time but agree to forgive and forget over time.
A relationship means having a connection and a partnership with somebody. Most relationships begin well, full of love and devotion. However, over time sometimes the love and devotion can fade and you're left confused. You think that you did nothing wrong and don't take any responsibility. Or, you may blame yourself totally and recognize that you need relationship help.
It's never too late to salvage a relationship if both parties are willing to work together as a team. Here are 5 steps to follow that help with relationship problems.
1. Commitment.
Both you and your partner must be committed to working on ways to repair your relationship. Commitment can sound very scary and many people run from the thought of it. But, if your relationship is to succeed, you both must be committed to the same values and goals.
2. Acknowledge the Problem.
You must recognize why you need relationship help and get the problems out in the open. Usually, both are to blame for not fulfilling each other's needs. You might discover you never knew what those needs were because you fail to share. Sharing is bonding. In order to share you must communicate and learn about each other's feelings and needs. Both of you could be hurting and the other not know.
3. Neither Is To Blame.
When you need relationship help, neither of you may be to blame. This is why communication and sharing are so important. As you talk about your feelings be rational, reasonable and calm. No one wins an argument or a discussion by getting angry. You are two different people with different views and perspectives. Likely there is no right or wrong here, just differences. Being different doesn't mean you cannot help with relationship problems. The differences could be what brought you together in the first place.
4. Respect The Differences.
The basic needs of a relationship are to respect those differences and find mutual understanding. Show an interest in your partner's hobbies and interests and find some time to get involved so you can experience it together. You may discover that you enjoy it and want to do it again.
5. What Is Right And What Is Wrong?
Talking about what is right as well as what is wrong is part of the approach to help with relationship problems. Let go of resentment and guilt over emotional baggage from the past. If your partner has done something that you think you cannot forgive, just know someone else can and will carry on where you let the good thing go. Take your time but agree to forgive and forget over time.
How To Choose Your Life Partner
In the first place I want you to realize that marriage is a gift from
God almighty. Again it is meant for the matured only. When I mean the
matured am not talking only about age, but maturity of the mind. When
you feel you are ready for marriage the next question is how do I choose
the right partner that will really be a blessing to me? Here in this
article am going to help you on key principles that will help you
discover you dream partner.
1. Pray to God to guild you in choosing the right person. Many will disagree with me on this. But the truth remains that God who knows each and everyone of us knows who will actually be a suitable partner to you. If you tell him to guide you, of course He will. He said in all our ways we should acknowledge Him and He will direct our steps.
2. Write on A paper the kind of person You want to marry. This will help you both in your prayers and in your relationship. When you are looking for a life partner you have to be open or receptive to everyone that comes your way. I mean those who want to be your friends. There is nothing wrong having many friends when you are out to select the right person.This is where your list plays a major role. Among those who are your friends, go through your list to know those who match the qualities of the kind of person you want as a life partner. Select the nearest to the quality. Because you may not get 100% of the person on your list, the man or woman that is 75% should be selected. Remember prayer still has to be going on during the selection so that you don't make mistake.
3. Make your proposal. Of course this is the duty of a man. But if you are a woman yet there other ways to make him know you are interested without being stupid. You can be interested in things he is interested about. Make some good compliments to his shirts, tie or job, anything to get his attention to you. Caution! please don't seduce him. Don't try to get him sleep with you. Be disciplined as a woman of great quality. still prayer is very important here too, for God to open his eyes to see you.
4. Accept each other. Once both of you discovered you are for each other the next thing is to accept to get married. You as the man should start planning to see her people. Once you see her people begin the marriage plans. Fix a date for the marriage rites according to the customs of her people. Pay the dowry, and she becomes your life. 5. Live Happily With Your Spouse. After you have married you have to live happily with your spouse. Marriage is meant for enjoyment not for struggle and fighting. With these principles you can find a partner that suites you.
1. Pray to God to guild you in choosing the right person. Many will disagree with me on this. But the truth remains that God who knows each and everyone of us knows who will actually be a suitable partner to you. If you tell him to guide you, of course He will. He said in all our ways we should acknowledge Him and He will direct our steps.
2. Write on A paper the kind of person You want to marry. This will help you both in your prayers and in your relationship. When you are looking for a life partner you have to be open or receptive to everyone that comes your way. I mean those who want to be your friends. There is nothing wrong having many friends when you are out to select the right person.This is where your list plays a major role. Among those who are your friends, go through your list to know those who match the qualities of the kind of person you want as a life partner. Select the nearest to the quality. Because you may not get 100% of the person on your list, the man or woman that is 75% should be selected. Remember prayer still has to be going on during the selection so that you don't make mistake.
3. Make your proposal. Of course this is the duty of a man. But if you are a woman yet there other ways to make him know you are interested without being stupid. You can be interested in things he is interested about. Make some good compliments to his shirts, tie or job, anything to get his attention to you. Caution! please don't seduce him. Don't try to get him sleep with you. Be disciplined as a woman of great quality. still prayer is very important here too, for God to open his eyes to see you.
4. Accept each other. Once both of you discovered you are for each other the next thing is to accept to get married. You as the man should start planning to see her people. Once you see her people begin the marriage plans. Fix a date for the marriage rites according to the customs of her people. Pay the dowry, and she becomes your life. 5. Live Happily With Your Spouse. After you have married you have to live happily with your spouse. Marriage is meant for enjoyment not for struggle and fighting. With these principles you can find a partner that suites you.
Solving The Problem Of Infidelity In Marriage
What is infidelity? It is the ability of not been faithful to your
spouse. When a man goes outside his matrimonial home to have affair with
another woman he is unfaithful, likewise a woman. Many marriages an at
the verge of collapse because of the evil called infidelity. Now if we
don't take proper measure to stop infidelity marriage that supposed to
be a blessing will end up becoming a curse.
How are we going to solve the problem of infidelity in marriage? The answer to this question will be our focus in this article.
1. Purity of Heart. The first thing that will help solve the problem of infidelity in marriage is the purity of heart. A pure heart will not always think of making love with another woman or a man. Renew your thought by thinking right. Think about the love you have with your spouse, the shame and trauma that your act will cause in your marriage.
2. Avoid Close Contact With The Woman or Man. A man said that the closer you are with a woman or a man the weaker you become. There are many ways you can be close to a man that if care is not taken, will lead to infidelity. One of it is physical contact- seeing each other all the time. Am not saying you should live an isolated life. Of course it impossible to live here on earth without socializing, but the point am making is that if you want to save your marriage, mind the closeness with another partner. Another way to be close which is the most dangerous of all is closeness through phone or internet. Today technology has made it easy to be in deep relationship with a strange woman or man to the detriment of our marriages. For example, a man engaged in many hours conversation with a woman who is not his wife discussing love issues. Others engage in chatting. Some women keep awake chatting with men. And it's not that they are discussing about things that can lift up the spirit.They talk about sex. Some even take pictures of their nude bodies and send to their partners. Tell me why won't you be unfaithful doing so? So be careful in any conversation with opposite sex. for those who are out to seduce you deliberately avoid their calls or chat.
3. Cherish Your Partner. Cherish you partner. If actually he is your wife/husband love and cherish each other. Spend quality time together. Don't allow communication gap in your relationship because that is where the enemy will come in. If your partner does what you don't like, call him/her to order. Talk about it and find lasting solution to the problem. Try to satisfy your eyes and mind in the beauty of your partner. How do I mean. The way you admire other women or men admire your spouse. That can only be possible when both of you are together. kissing and romancing each other.
4. Tell each other Your areas of Temptation. let me tell you my story. last year my wife traveled and I was alone. And being an online man, I was chatting with some my facebook friends. So a woman opened up a chat, and began taking about sex. That she would want me to satisfy her sexually. I pretended as if I was interested to get to know what she was up to. When I realized she meant it I had to tell her that I wouldn't do such a thing like that.When my wife came back I told her everything that went when she was away. With that I have saved myself further temptation.
5. Pray For The Help Of God To be faithful. Prayer remains the only secret that helps us over come temptation. For no man or woman is above falling. In fact the higher you grow spiritually the greater the temptation. So watch and pray so that you don't fall into temptation. To do that create time either in the morning or night to call upon God for help.
6. Avoid Blame When Your Partner falls away. When by mistake your spouse falls into the sin of adultery, what should be your action? Throw her away, leave the house for him and walk away? No, doing so will never end infidelity, but will rather aggravate it. What I want you to do is, try to put aside blames and criticism, and put on the garment of love and tolerance. Knowing that we stand only by the grace of God, forgiveness is the only option in a time like this. Infidelity can be overcome if only you will apply these principles.
How are we going to solve the problem of infidelity in marriage? The answer to this question will be our focus in this article.
1. Purity of Heart. The first thing that will help solve the problem of infidelity in marriage is the purity of heart. A pure heart will not always think of making love with another woman or a man. Renew your thought by thinking right. Think about the love you have with your spouse, the shame and trauma that your act will cause in your marriage.
2. Avoid Close Contact With The Woman or Man. A man said that the closer you are with a woman or a man the weaker you become. There are many ways you can be close to a man that if care is not taken, will lead to infidelity. One of it is physical contact- seeing each other all the time. Am not saying you should live an isolated life. Of course it impossible to live here on earth without socializing, but the point am making is that if you want to save your marriage, mind the closeness with another partner. Another way to be close which is the most dangerous of all is closeness through phone or internet. Today technology has made it easy to be in deep relationship with a strange woman or man to the detriment of our marriages. For example, a man engaged in many hours conversation with a woman who is not his wife discussing love issues. Others engage in chatting. Some women keep awake chatting with men. And it's not that they are discussing about things that can lift up the spirit.They talk about sex. Some even take pictures of their nude bodies and send to their partners. Tell me why won't you be unfaithful doing so? So be careful in any conversation with opposite sex. for those who are out to seduce you deliberately avoid their calls or chat.
3. Cherish Your Partner. Cherish you partner. If actually he is your wife/husband love and cherish each other. Spend quality time together. Don't allow communication gap in your relationship because that is where the enemy will come in. If your partner does what you don't like, call him/her to order. Talk about it and find lasting solution to the problem. Try to satisfy your eyes and mind in the beauty of your partner. How do I mean. The way you admire other women or men admire your spouse. That can only be possible when both of you are together. kissing and romancing each other.
4. Tell each other Your areas of Temptation. let me tell you my story. last year my wife traveled and I was alone. And being an online man, I was chatting with some my facebook friends. So a woman opened up a chat, and began taking about sex. That she would want me to satisfy her sexually. I pretended as if I was interested to get to know what she was up to. When I realized she meant it I had to tell her that I wouldn't do such a thing like that.When my wife came back I told her everything that went when she was away. With that I have saved myself further temptation.
5. Pray For The Help Of God To be faithful. Prayer remains the only secret that helps us over come temptation. For no man or woman is above falling. In fact the higher you grow spiritually the greater the temptation. So watch and pray so that you don't fall into temptation. To do that create time either in the morning or night to call upon God for help.
6. Avoid Blame When Your Partner falls away. When by mistake your spouse falls into the sin of adultery, what should be your action? Throw her away, leave the house for him and walk away? No, doing so will never end infidelity, but will rather aggravate it. What I want you to do is, try to put aside blames and criticism, and put on the garment of love and tolerance. Knowing that we stand only by the grace of God, forgiveness is the only option in a time like this. Infidelity can be overcome if only you will apply these principles.
Four Things That Will Make Your Marriage Work
Mutual respect
As unromantic as it sounds, having mutual respect for each other will be a huge benefit to your relationship. This means never taking each other for granted or simply expecting certain things of each other without asking or having a discussion around roles. For example, how would you feel if your husband automatically expected you to know where his clean shirts were or assumed that all of the household chores were your domain and your domain only? A good relationship relies on teamwork and sharing responsibilities equally – not leaving one person in charge of everything. Having mutual respect means appreciating each other and showing that appreciation by saying thank you when your partner does something nice for you.Acceptance
There are no two ways about it; you must accept the man you have married. There is slim to no chance that once you have him settled into a home with a garden and white picket fence that he will transform magically into the prince you've always wanted. A frog is a frog no matter how you dress him up, so if you want your marriage to work, acceptance is key. If you married him, you need to love him for who he is now – not who you hope he will become. Marry for love and nothing more or you run the risk of disappointment down the road, not to mention unnecessary arguments and potential heartache.Common courtesy
It may seem overly simplistic but remembering to extend small common courtesies to your spouse such as saying please and thank you, calling or sending a text message when you're going to be late, offering to make dinner when the other person is super-stressed, etc. will go a long way in making your marriage work. No one likes to feel under appreciated (or worse, not appreciated at all), so if you both make a point to show appreciation towards each other, it will be much easier to keep your relationship healthy and minimize potential resentment. Resentment often starts when one person feels they pull more weight than the other or that what they do goes unnoticed. Be nicer to each other to avoid this trap.Compromise
This is probably the most important healthy marriage must-do on our list and something that should be taken very seriously. We all want to be right (it just feels good sometimes), but always needing to have the last word and turn every argument into a full-blown fight can really wear on the relationship. Compromise means coming to a mutually agreeable solution – something you can both live with. You may still think you're right and he's wrong, but it can often be better to try and merge your ideas until you hit on something that satisfies both of you, rather than one of you feeling slighted or angry.How To Avoid Divorce and Rescue Your Marriage
Married couples have to work hard to stay married.
With the increasing rate of divorce, it is evident that keeping a
marriage is not easy. Many couples end up getting divorced because they
failed to overcome the challenges of marriage. Is your marriage going
through rough times and you are afraid that your marriage might end in
divorce? Do you want to avoid divorce and rescue your marriage? Keep on
reading to discover how.
1. Decide to work hard to keep your marriage. One of the reasons why divorce is common in the world today is because many married people see it as the only alternative when they are facing marital challenges. If you still love your spouse and you have children, it will be a big mistake to just get a divorce and give up working hard for your marriage. If you want to stay married, it is important to have that firm decision to work hard to avoid divorce and rescue your marriage.
2. Decide To Stay Together. Decide to stay together no mater what. The antidote to divorce is to determine to stay together no mater how rough things are in your marriage. If you will speak to yourself, that no matter the situation that you will remain with your spouse, let me tell you nothing will separate you. But if you keep nursing the thought of separation, if care is not taking you will eventually separate. Even when your partner suggests divorce, discourage it. Try to persuade your partner to remain.
1. Decide to work hard to keep your marriage. One of the reasons why divorce is common in the world today is because many married people see it as the only alternative when they are facing marital challenges. If you still love your spouse and you have children, it will be a big mistake to just get a divorce and give up working hard for your marriage. If you want to stay married, it is important to have that firm decision to work hard to avoid divorce and rescue your marriage.
2. Decide To Stay Together. Decide to stay together no mater what. The antidote to divorce is to determine to stay together no mater how rough things are in your marriage. If you will speak to yourself, that no matter the situation that you will remain with your spouse, let me tell you nothing will separate you. But if you keep nursing the thought of separation, if care is not taking you will eventually separate. Even when your partner suggests divorce, discourage it. Try to persuade your partner to remain.
3. Good communication. One of the keys to a long-lasting successful relationship is good communication. Lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, wrong assumptions and confusions. Couples who rarely talk to each other tend to guess and assume things creating a wall between them. Good communication brings couples closer to each other. When verbal communication is not possible, writing letters and sending text messages are great options to communicate.
A good
communication is not all about talking but it includes the ability to
listen and hear what your spouse wants to say. Let your spouse feel that
he or she is being heard. If you can calmly discuss or talk about the
issues in your marriage, you can work as a team to resolve the problems.
Great communication skills are important if you want to avoid divorce
and rescue your marriage.
Even when your spouse decides to keep silent, logically find a way to make him / her talk. Speaking in marriage is a way of emptying your heart of heavy loads of over- bearing offenses or grudges, which can be detrimental to health.
Even when your spouse decides to keep silent, logically find a way to make him / her talk. Speaking in marriage is a way of emptying your heart of heavy loads of over- bearing offenses or grudges, which can be detrimental to health.
If you will follow these steps your marriage will be healed.
How To Make Your Husband Happy
One of the best ways to make your husband
happy is to laugh a lot. There is nothing worse for a husband than to be
greeted by a miserable face when he comes home from work.
Before you can be happy for your husband though, you have to feel happy inside yourself. So it's important to understand and know yourself in order to create a happy and contented home for you and your husband.
In order for you to be happy you have to enjoy the things you're doing in your life. Work and children can take over but it's essential you create 'you' time and develop your creative side. By making time to keep your hobbies alive you'll be happier inside and it will show.
Be affectionate. There is nothing like a cuddle or a kiss to eliminate the day's woes from your husband's mind. If he knows he's coming home to a loving wife and children it will cement the marriage.Keep yourself clean and attractive. Don't let family or tiredness take away your dignity and your self esteem. Try to keep yourself looking at the very best you can so that your husband will want to be with you and can't wait to come home.
After years of marriage this is not always easy, but it really can be achieved.
Always keep the home clean and make it a haven from the rest of the world. Keep the decor light and airy and have flowers displayed around the rooms to make them welcoming. If you can't always afford fresh flowers, then use artificial ones and perhaps decorate them with greenery from the garden.
Take time and trouble over preparing the evening meal. A pizza is all right occasionally, but it's hardly a romantic meal. You can plan in advance and perhaps prepare several dishes at the weekend in order to save you the time when you get home from work or from picking up the children. Think the meals through and try to choose things you know he particularly likes.
Sitting eating together is important in any marriage, as you can talk over the day's events and laugh or cry together. Talking things over and laughing at things together can make even the bad events of the day more tolerable. Laughter is very definitely the best medicine.
Sometimes it's good to give your husband space and quiet. He doesn't necessarily want to hear lots of girlie gossip, save that for your friends. Silence can be a sign of affection in that you are aware of his need for solitude and quiet. Respect that and leave him to relax.
When you go out together don't make him feel embarrassed because you are talking too loud and don't relate private things to others.
Compliment him and let him know you appreciate how hard he works for you and your family. Don't nag him about things he hasn't done, rather mention in a subtle way and let him end up thinking he's remembered it himself. A simple thing no doubt, but a good way to make your husband happy.
Before you can be happy for your husband though, you have to feel happy inside yourself. So it's important to understand and know yourself in order to create a happy and contented home for you and your husband.
In order for you to be happy you have to enjoy the things you're doing in your life. Work and children can take over but it's essential you create 'you' time and develop your creative side. By making time to keep your hobbies alive you'll be happier inside and it will show.
Be affectionate. There is nothing like a cuddle or a kiss to eliminate the day's woes from your husband's mind. If he knows he's coming home to a loving wife and children it will cement the marriage.Keep yourself clean and attractive. Don't let family or tiredness take away your dignity and your self esteem. Try to keep yourself looking at the very best you can so that your husband will want to be with you and can't wait to come home.
After years of marriage this is not always easy, but it really can be achieved.
Always keep the home clean and make it a haven from the rest of the world. Keep the decor light and airy and have flowers displayed around the rooms to make them welcoming. If you can't always afford fresh flowers, then use artificial ones and perhaps decorate them with greenery from the garden.
Take time and trouble over preparing the evening meal. A pizza is all right occasionally, but it's hardly a romantic meal. You can plan in advance and perhaps prepare several dishes at the weekend in order to save you the time when you get home from work or from picking up the children. Think the meals through and try to choose things you know he particularly likes.
Sitting eating together is important in any marriage, as you can talk over the day's events and laugh or cry together. Talking things over and laughing at things together can make even the bad events of the day more tolerable. Laughter is very definitely the best medicine.
Sometimes it's good to give your husband space and quiet. He doesn't necessarily want to hear lots of girlie gossip, save that for your friends. Silence can be a sign of affection in that you are aware of his need for solitude and quiet. Respect that and leave him to relax.
When you go out together don't make him feel embarrassed because you are talking too loud and don't relate private things to others.
Compliment him and let him know you appreciate how hard he works for you and your family. Don't nag him about things he hasn't done, rather mention in a subtle way and let him end up thinking he's remembered it himself. A simple thing no doubt, but a good way to make your husband happy.
How to Make Your Wife Love You
How to make your wife love you again. Have
you been thinking of ways to do this? Keep reading to discover different
ways of bringing the love back into your marriage.
Why do you feel that she doesn't love you anymore? Does she not meet you at the door when you come home from work? Does it seem like you try to talk to her, but her mind is always somewhere else?
Whatever the reason you feel this way, it is time to stop. It's time to get your wife back. It's time to get your marriage back to being a good, happy marriage again.
Above all else, you can't show any hurt, anger, or desperation. All that will do is make matters worse. If you show anger, she is likely to back away further from you. That's the last thing you want right now, right?
So how do you stop that from happening?
Try to see things through her eyes. Look at your marriage a different way. Picture yourself as her, and try to see how she feels. Maybe you'll see something that you've never noticed before. When you want to know how to make your wife love you again, you must try to look at your marriage from a different angle.
Have you tried to talk to her about these feelings? It may be that she finds herself too wrapped up in life - career, kids, household bills, stress, etc., that she doesn't even realize that she is neglecting you. She may think that you're her husband - you'll be there no matter what. Let her know how you feel.
Is you marriage lacking the 'spice' it used to have? Is it getting dull, or boring? Do what you can to bring the spark back. Make a special date with your wife. Go out and have some fun. Relax together. Do something you both enjoy doing, and spend some quality time with each other.
What this will do is bring the feelings you both have for each other back to the surface, where they belong. Over time, emotions tend to get buried under life's little problems, and we don't see anything is wrong until it's too late.
Does your wife feel unappreciated? Show her that you appreciate her. You know that she does a lot around the house, and take steps to help her when you can. When she's making dinner or doing laundry, offer to help her. Even little things make a huge difference! There are many ways to learn how to make your wife love you again, these are just a few.
Why do you feel that she doesn't love you anymore? Does she not meet you at the door when you come home from work? Does it seem like you try to talk to her, but her mind is always somewhere else?
Whatever the reason you feel this way, it is time to stop. It's time to get your wife back. It's time to get your marriage back to being a good, happy marriage again.
Above all else, you can't show any hurt, anger, or desperation. All that will do is make matters worse. If you show anger, she is likely to back away further from you. That's the last thing you want right now, right?
So how do you stop that from happening?
Try to see things through her eyes. Look at your marriage a different way. Picture yourself as her, and try to see how she feels. Maybe you'll see something that you've never noticed before. When you want to know how to make your wife love you again, you must try to look at your marriage from a different angle.
Have you tried to talk to her about these feelings? It may be that she finds herself too wrapped up in life - career, kids, household bills, stress, etc., that she doesn't even realize that she is neglecting you. She may think that you're her husband - you'll be there no matter what. Let her know how you feel.
Is you marriage lacking the 'spice' it used to have? Is it getting dull, or boring? Do what you can to bring the spark back. Make a special date with your wife. Go out and have some fun. Relax together. Do something you both enjoy doing, and spend some quality time with each other.
What this will do is bring the feelings you both have for each other back to the surface, where they belong. Over time, emotions tend to get buried under life's little problems, and we don't see anything is wrong until it's too late.
Does your wife feel unappreciated? Show her that you appreciate her. You know that she does a lot around the house, and take steps to help her when you can. When she's making dinner or doing laundry, offer to help her. Even little things make a huge difference! There are many ways to learn how to make your wife love you again, these are just a few.
Key For a Successful Marriage
Last week we celebrated the wedding of two young adults in our
church. I had the privilege of giving the wedding sermon. And in my
sermon I shared with them this time tested key for a successful
marriage. Now this might surprise you, but this time tested key for a
successful marriage is found in the Bible in Proverbs 18:22.
Carefully read with me the words found in Proverbs 18:22. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." I think it would also be appropriate to turn the proverb around in this way. "She who finds a husband finds a good thing..."
At this point you are probably raising this question to yourself. "What does this proverb have to do with a successful marriage?" This Proverb teaches us two important concepts about a successful marriage. Let me share them with you.
First, this Proverb teaches us about the sovereignty of God in marriage.
A couple with a successful marriage understands this important truth. God is the one who brought them together. Please understand you did not meet your spouse by accident. God arranged all the details of life so that you might meet each other and marry each other.
If God brought you together then your spouse is a special gift from the Lord. And if your spouse is a gift from the Lord then we need to treat them like a special gift. Think what would happen in America if people began to treat their spouse as a special gift from the Lord.
Years ago I ministered at a church in North Dakota. In the congregation there where several couples who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Each of them had a happy marriage because they understood this important truth. God was the one who brought them together. They therefore treated each other as a special gift from the Lord. And this made a difference in their marriage.
Second, this Proverb teaches us about the goodness of God in marriage.
Please understand that God is the one who created the idea of marriage. And whatever God creates is good. Your marriage is a good thing. And if someone puts down marriage they are putting down what God has called good. It's that simple.
At this point you may be frustrated with your spouse. You may at this point wish you were never married to them. But please remember this important truth. If you are married then you have found a good thing. For whatever God creates is always good.
When couples come to me for help they often say this to me. "We just don't like one another any more." I then ask them to list two or three things that originally attracted them to each other. As they list what originally attracted them to each other, smiles usually fill their faces. Once again they realized that they have found a good thing in one another.
The next time you are frustrated with your marriage please remember these two important truths. First, remember the sovereignty of God in marriage. God is the one who brought you together. Therefore treat one another as a special gift from the Lord. Second, remember the goodness of God in marriage. You have found a good thing in one each other.
Dan Korzep is the teaching pastor at Christian Bible Church in Methuen, Ma. He has been in the ministry for thrity years. He has a BS in Sociology from Shepherd University, and a Master's of Divinity from the Reformed Episcopal Seiminary. He is married and has five children.
For years Dan has been helping couples improve or save their marriages. Dan is the author of the forth coming book "How to Rescue Your Marriage.
Carefully read with me the words found in Proverbs 18:22. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." I think it would also be appropriate to turn the proverb around in this way. "She who finds a husband finds a good thing..."
At this point you are probably raising this question to yourself. "What does this proverb have to do with a successful marriage?" This Proverb teaches us two important concepts about a successful marriage. Let me share them with you.
First, this Proverb teaches us about the sovereignty of God in marriage.
A couple with a successful marriage understands this important truth. God is the one who brought them together. Please understand you did not meet your spouse by accident. God arranged all the details of life so that you might meet each other and marry each other.
If God brought you together then your spouse is a special gift from the Lord. And if your spouse is a gift from the Lord then we need to treat them like a special gift. Think what would happen in America if people began to treat their spouse as a special gift from the Lord.
Years ago I ministered at a church in North Dakota. In the congregation there where several couples who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Each of them had a happy marriage because they understood this important truth. God was the one who brought them together. They therefore treated each other as a special gift from the Lord. And this made a difference in their marriage.
Second, this Proverb teaches us about the goodness of God in marriage.
Please understand that God is the one who created the idea of marriage. And whatever God creates is good. Your marriage is a good thing. And if someone puts down marriage they are putting down what God has called good. It's that simple.
At this point you may be frustrated with your spouse. You may at this point wish you were never married to them. But please remember this important truth. If you are married then you have found a good thing. For whatever God creates is always good.
When couples come to me for help they often say this to me. "We just don't like one another any more." I then ask them to list two or three things that originally attracted them to each other. As they list what originally attracted them to each other, smiles usually fill their faces. Once again they realized that they have found a good thing in one another.
The next time you are frustrated with your marriage please remember these two important truths. First, remember the sovereignty of God in marriage. God is the one who brought you together. Therefore treat one another as a special gift from the Lord. Second, remember the goodness of God in marriage. You have found a good thing in one each other.
Dan Korzep is the teaching pastor at Christian Bible Church in Methuen, Ma. He has been in the ministry for thrity years. He has a BS in Sociology from Shepherd University, and a Master's of Divinity from the Reformed Episcopal Seiminary. He is married and has five children.
For years Dan has been helping couples improve or save their marriages. Dan is the author of the forth coming book "How to Rescue Your Marriage.
Eight Danger Signs That Your Marriage Is In Trouble
- You argue about the same things over and over again and never seem to clear the air. One of the causes of this menace is when both of you try to claim innocence; no one wants to accept the mistake done. This type of attitude breeds pride.
- You feel criticized and put down by your partner frequently and this leaves you feeling less than "good enough." According to renowned relationship experts, criticism is one of the main reasons why marriages collapse.
- You have difficulty being vulnerable with your significant other and when you do your worst fears are actualized - you're left regretting that you revealed your feelings and desires.
- One or both of you put your children or others first. If you put your children first, day in and day out, you will exhaust your marriage.No one is saying you should hate your children or desert them, but all we are saying is that you should adjust your marriage priority-your spouse first before your children.
- You don't enjoy each other's friends or families so begin socializing away from one another. This may start out as an occasional weeknight out. But if not nipped in the bud, it can spill over into weekends - ideally when couples have an opportunity to spend more time together.
- Unforgettable hurt. You have ghosts from past relationships that surface because they were not dealt with. You may overreact to fairly innocent things your partner says or does because it triggers a memory from a past relationship. Clean the slate of your memory of the past mistakes, hurtful attitude of your spouse.
- Your needs for sexual intimacy are vastly different and/or you rarely have sex. Relationship expert John Thomas writes, "Whether it is him or you that has lost interest, a lack of regular intimacy in a marriage is a bad sign. Sex is the glue that binds, it is the way adults play and enjoy each other."
- When you disagree you seldom resolve your differences. You fall into the trap of blaming each other and fail to compromise or apologize. As a result, you experience less warmth and closeness.
Temperament And marriage- Phlegmatic Husband
The truth remains that if marriage must succeed, character
differences must be put into consideration. We are at the last segment
of ‘Temperament And Marriage’ of which phlegmatic husband is our focus.
- He is the easiest person to get along with and is by nature the most likeable of all the temperaments.
- He is calm, composed and never seems agitated no matter the circumstances around him.
- He has a retentive memory and is capable of being a fine imitator
- The phlegmatic tends to be a spectator in life and tries not to get very involved with the activities of others.
- He is consistent every time he is seen; he also does not lack friends because he enjoys them and has a natural dry sense of humour.
- Whenever roused to action however, his efficient qualities become apparent.
- He will not volunteer for leadership on his own but when it is forced on him, he proves to be a very capable leader.
- He is a natural peacemaker because he is kind and rarely gets angry. He prefers to be cheated for peace to reign.
- He lacks drive and ambition, therefore rarely initiates an activity. He usually gives excuses to do the expected.
- He is selfish. This makes him self-indulgent and unconcerned about his family’s needs for activity.
- No one can be more stubborn than a phlegmatic but he is so diplomatic about it that people do not realize it.
- A phlegmatic person could be mistaken for a Christian even as an unbeliever. He is polite and diplomatic about the expression of the old sinful nature.
- He is prone to procrastination and also makes slow methodical decisions which can enrage his wife and others
- He is very fearful under the surface and this in some cases makes his wife rule him, especially if she is a choleric.
- He doesn’t discipline his children but Gives them every privilege to behave as they like.
- He is not sexually motivated, but flows with whatever is given to him.
Unfaithfulness In Marriage
Unfaithfulness is the ability of husband and wife not being trusted
or loyal to one another. When married people begin to live unfaithfully
to each other, definitely their marriage is bound to collapse. Our
lesson today will show you how to avoid unfaithfulness in your marriage.
I. Circumstances that lead To Unfaithfulness In Marriage. Before a partner will become unfaithful there are circumstances that lead to it. Let’s see some of them:
(A) Sickness (B) Childlessness
(C) Sudden Prosperity (D) Joblessness
(E) Death of husband/Wife (F) Long separation due to business trip or job
(G) Old age (H) fading away of beauty/unattractiveness (I) Impotence
(J) Lack of Communication
(K) Unhealthy work circumstances. e.g. (i) Working for long hours together with an opposite sex in the same office. (ii) Trekking home together after work. (iii) Staying together in the same hotel for important work assignments.
II. How to overcome Unfaithfulness in Marriage
1. Have The Fear of God and be obedient to His words (Gen.39:7-12)
2. Live a prayerful life. And pray together with your spouse. (Matt.26:41)
3. Discuss areas of temptations together (James 5:16) (If any one approached you for friendship as a wife discuss it with your husband. Likewise as a husband, if a woman is showing interest in you, let your wife know.
4. Let your partner know about favours received from opposite sex. In fact let your partner call and appreciate him/her
5. Avoid close relationship with opposite sex (calling frequently to discuss irrelevant issues, chatting or sending text messages.)
I. Circumstances that lead To Unfaithfulness In Marriage. Before a partner will become unfaithful there are circumstances that lead to it. Let’s see some of them:
(A) Sickness (B) Childlessness
(C) Sudden Prosperity (D) Joblessness
(E) Death of husband/Wife (F) Long separation due to business trip or job
(G) Old age (H) fading away of beauty/unattractiveness (I) Impotence
(J) Lack of Communication
(K) Unhealthy work circumstances. e.g. (i) Working for long hours together with an opposite sex in the same office. (ii) Trekking home together after work. (iii) Staying together in the same hotel for important work assignments.
II. How to overcome Unfaithfulness in Marriage
1. Have The Fear of God and be obedient to His words (Gen.39:7-12)
2. Live a prayerful life. And pray together with your spouse. (Matt.26:41)
3. Discuss areas of temptations together (James 5:16) (If any one approached you for friendship as a wife discuss it with your husband. Likewise as a husband, if a woman is showing interest in you, let your wife know.
4. Let your partner know about favours received from opposite sex. In fact let your partner call and appreciate him/her
5. Avoid close relationship with opposite sex (calling frequently to discuss irrelevant issues, chatting or sending text messages.)
- Allow your partner access to your phone (i.e. let her/him pick your call)
- Don’t deny each other sex. For that can lead to marital unfaithfulness.(1Cor.7:2-5)
- Talk positively about your partner in the presence of someone you suspect is interested in you.
- Wear your wedding rings always.
Temperaments And Marriage - Choleric Wife
the character of your spouse helps a lot. It brings understanding in
the family.In this article you are going to learn how to understand your
Choleric wife.
I. The Strengths of A Choleric Wife.
A Choleric wife is bossy, overly aggressive and domineering. She is
often considered a threat by other men and resented and judged by other
women who tend to want to cut her down to size.
2.She is very energetic and outgoing and always up to something new.
–she believes she can do whatever she sets her mind to do. No matter
the obstacles, she will hold firmly to her belief that she can do it.
-she views life as series of problems to solve or challenges to
overcome. To her ,problems are means of motivation than discouragement.
– she notices wrongs and injustices of life and feels compelled to set
things right. She is the one who crusades for change.
and honest - You don’t have to wonder what she is thinking or feeling
because she will let you know right up front whether you want to know or
not. Often she has an excellent insight that is ignored because someone
doesn’t like the way it was presented.
disciplinarian - She spells out exactly what she expects and carries
herself with an air of confident authority that children respect. Her
children are usually exceptionally well- behaved. If she is a christian,
she will be used powerfully by God as a good leader.
8.She is a forceful woman with many goals in mind. She may help with the finances of the home.
II. Weakness of A Choleric Wife.
She gets angry quickly - she can be mean to her husband, children and
even total strangers. She may also use her mean streak to control her
husband especially if she married a phlegmatic man, which is often the
2.She will often control her family by fear and intimidation. She can be harsh and may
hurt people’s feelings with tough language and hash unloving attitude.
3. Self-centered -She’s interested in just herself. She doesn’t have human sympathy.
4.Uses people -doesn’t take time to make friends. She is not interested in two-way give and
take relationship required to maintain a long-term friendship. She uses people to accomplish
her dreams.
-she works beyond working hours. She has no time for rest. Every moment
to her is for work. She resents lazy people.
Let God help you understand yourself, and to help you control your temperaments so that you will not destroy your marriage.
Temperament And marriage-Melancholic Husband
As a wife, if you fail to understand the temperament of your husband
you will find it difficult to live with him peacefully. Our study today
will focus on the Melancholic husband
- Good housekeeper. She doesn’t wait until she gets a visitor before she cleans her home
- She is well organized. Her organizational skill extends beyond her home. It extends to her office, business or church. She carries a daily planner and keeps records of things.
- Detail oriented. She usually reads instruction manuals before doing anything. That is why she hardly makes mistake in her application.
- She likes to do things the right way and places great emphasis on what worked in the past
- Frugal. She is always a wise spender. It doesn’t matter how much money she has, she wants to spend it wisely
- Careful Decision-maker. She is very cautious when making decisions and may be considered slow by others
- She is very intelligent, loyal and dedicated in any assignment given to her because she hates criticisms
- H. She does not have many friends. But the few ones she has can count on her for being there for them all the time
- Unpopular. The melancholic is very quiet, thoughtful and unsocial. In reality she is timid and shy
- She is cautious in making friends because she has been hurt by disappointing friendship in the past and wants to guard her heart
- Rigid. She demands strict adherence to her many rules and principles. For her there is usually one way of doing things right – her ways
- She is prone to self pity and depression. She can descend into depression and lack of interest in life due to a slight rejection
- She finds it difficult to accept her husband as he is. She demands major changes to his life and activities. She finds it difficult to allow God change him in His time.
- Fault finder. She finds fault almost in everything her husband or people do because of her perfectionism
- She doesn’t take action easily because of her logical personality. This character makes her keep procrastinating. Her fears is that she might not do the job very well
Temperament And marriage- Melancholic Wife
As a husband, if you want to enjoy your wife, please study the
temperament of your wife.You have been asking what and how should could
be done.Keep on reading
- Good housekeeper. She doesn’t wait until she gets a visitor before she cleans her home
- She is well organized. Her organizational skill extends beyond her home. It extends to her office, business or church. She carries a daily planner and keeps records of things.
- Detail oriented. She usually reads instruction manuals before doing anything. That is why she hardly makes mistake in her application.
- She likes to do things the right way and places great emphasis on what worked in the past
- Frugal. She is always a wise spender. It doesn’t matter how much money she has, she wants to spend it wisely
- Careful Decision-maker. She is very cautious when making decisions and may be considered slow by others
- She is very intelligent, loyal and dedicated in any assignment given to her because she hates criticisms
- H. She does not have many friends. But the few ones she has can count on her for being there for them all the time
- Unpopular. The melancholic is very quiet, thoughtful and unsocial. In reality she is timid and shy
- She is cautious in making friends because she has been hurt by disappointing friendship in the past and wants to guard her heart
- Rigid. She demands strict adherence to her many rules and principles. For her there is usually one way of doing things right – her ways
- She is prone to self pity and depression. She can descend into depression and lack of interest in life due to a slight rejection
- She finds it difficult to accept her husband as he is. She demands major changes to his life and activities. She finds it difficult to allow God change him in His time.
- Fault finder. She finds fault almost in everything her husband or people do because of her perfectionism
- She doesn’t take action easily because of her logical personality. This character makes her keep procrastinating. Her fears is that she might not do the job very well
Temperament And Marriage-Phlegmatic Wife
I have always said it that for any marriage to survive, there must be
a time to study characters of each other. Failure to do this will
result in failure in all things.We are are going to critically look at
the Phlegmatic Wife.
1. She doesn’t draw attention to herself but draws hurting people to herself. This is because hurting people sense that they have found a safe listening ear. Even total strangers tend to open up to the phlegmatic woman telling her about their problems and being comforted by her.
2. She is very good at visitation; always calling people close to her just to see if everything is okay.
3. Loyal. She is a very loyal friend; once she’s yours, she’s yours. She steadfastly maintains deep, abiding relationships with her childhood friends or husband’s relations.
4. Peacemaker-rarely gets bogged down with inter-personal conflict. She thrives on harmony and will do whatever she can to maintain it.
5. She is quick to adjust to people around her and never insists on having things her way. It is her sincere desire to please others.
6. Faithful- has an exceptional ability to absorb emotional pain and still maintains her commitment to another person. She would stick to her marriage long after most women would have given up.
1. Unenthusiastic- she doesn’t get overexcited over achievements and exploits. Her goal is to conserve her limited supply of energy. This lack of enthusiasm can cause significant conflict in her relationship with family and friends who may interpret it as a lack of love, admiration, concern, interest and can usually result in emotional damage to her loved ones.
2. Fearful- she is fearful and plagued by ‘‘what ifs’’. She is often paralyzed by fears and insecurities and this can mar her relationships.
3. Sluggish-she is not the hard working type. She can look at the barest minimum she can do and still get on. Her house can be disorganized but perhaps not to the extent of that of sanguine. Phlegmatic can be addicted to TV and her sluggish lifestyle can lead to excessive weight gain.
4. Compromising-she is a follower by nature and may compromise her standards to suit whoever she spends the most time with. Because of this, she can fall among bad company.
5. She is selfish: she cares only for herself. This causes her husband and people resent her.
6. Stubborn-she does not complain or argue but may quietly and unwaveringly stick to her rights.
7. She is unconcerned about her dressing. She dresses anyhow to high class occasions; this makes her husband finds it hard to take her out.
When you discover that you are a phlegmatic wife, try to allow the Holy Spirit remove all your weaknesses so that your husband will enjoy you as a wife.
1. She doesn’t draw attention to herself but draws hurting people to herself. This is because hurting people sense that they have found a safe listening ear. Even total strangers tend to open up to the phlegmatic woman telling her about their problems and being comforted by her.
2. She is very good at visitation; always calling people close to her just to see if everything is okay.
3. Loyal. She is a very loyal friend; once she’s yours, she’s yours. She steadfastly maintains deep, abiding relationships with her childhood friends or husband’s relations.
4. Peacemaker-rarely gets bogged down with inter-personal conflict. She thrives on harmony and will do whatever she can to maintain it.
5. She is quick to adjust to people around her and never insists on having things her way. It is her sincere desire to please others.
6. Faithful- has an exceptional ability to absorb emotional pain and still maintains her commitment to another person. She would stick to her marriage long after most women would have given up.
1. Unenthusiastic- she doesn’t get overexcited over achievements and exploits. Her goal is to conserve her limited supply of energy. This lack of enthusiasm can cause significant conflict in her relationship with family and friends who may interpret it as a lack of love, admiration, concern, interest and can usually result in emotional damage to her loved ones.
2. Fearful- she is fearful and plagued by ‘‘what ifs’’. She is often paralyzed by fears and insecurities and this can mar her relationships.
3. Sluggish-she is not the hard working type. She can look at the barest minimum she can do and still get on. Her house can be disorganized but perhaps not to the extent of that of sanguine. Phlegmatic can be addicted to TV and her sluggish lifestyle can lead to excessive weight gain.
4. Compromising-she is a follower by nature and may compromise her standards to suit whoever she spends the most time with. Because of this, she can fall among bad company.
5. She is selfish: she cares only for herself. This causes her husband and people resent her.
6. Stubborn-she does not complain or argue but may quietly and unwaveringly stick to her rights.
7. She is unconcerned about her dressing. She dresses anyhow to high class occasions; this makes her husband finds it hard to take her out.
When you discover that you are a phlegmatic wife, try to allow the Holy Spirit remove all your weaknesses so that your husband will enjoy you as a wife.
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