Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Eight Danger Signs That Your Marriage Is In Trouble

  1. You argue about the same things over and over again and never seem to clear the air. One of the causes of this menace is when both of you try to claim innocence; no one wants to accept the mistake done. This type of attitude breeds pride.
  2. You feel criticized and put down by your partner frequently and this leaves you feeling less than "good enough." According to renowned relationship experts, criticism is one of the main reasons why marriages collapse.
  3. You have difficulty being vulnerable with your significant other and when you do your worst fears are actualized - you're left regretting that you revealed your feelings and desires.
  4. One or both of you put your children or others first. If you put your children first, day in and day out, you will exhaust your marriage.No one is saying you should hate your children or desert them, but all we are saying is that you should adjust your marriage priority-your spouse first before your children.
  5. You don't enjoy each other's friends or families so begin socializing away from one another. This may start out as an occasional weeknight out. But if not nipped in the bud, it can spill over into weekends - ideally when couples have an opportunity to spend more time together.
  6. Unforgettable hurt. You have ghosts from past relationships that surface because they were not dealt with. You may overreact to fairly innocent things your partner says or does because it triggers a memory from a past relationship. Clean the slate of your memory of the past mistakes, hurtful attitude of your spouse.
  7. Your needs for sexual intimacy are vastly different and/or you rarely have sex. Relationship expert John Thomas writes, "Whether it is him or you that has lost interest, a lack of regular intimacy in a marriage is a bad sign. Sex is the glue that binds, it is the way adults play and enjoy each other."
  8. When you disagree you seldom resolve your differences. You fall into the trap of blaming each other and fail to compromise or apologize. As a result, you experience less warmth and closeness.
Resolve today to make your marriage work by avoiding these  danger signs

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