- Open a current or savings account. Most people will open the accounts in both names, but this can lead to problems later. If you are managing the finances and your spouse decides he needs more funds than he has, you could end up getting overdrawn, because you both are trying to use the same money.
i. God first (first and best fruits(Tithes), offerings)
ii. Buying food in bulk saves money and reduces financial stress.
iii. Allow money for your immediate needs. Make sure you provide spending money for you and your spouse. You will need lunch money and other miscellaneous expenses that you have every day.
iv.Save to spend money. If you are planning on buying a house or having a family, you will want to put money aside for these things. The best way is to put an amount into your monthly budget to plan for the things you want.
v. Figure out what money you have after you have completed the above steps. From this, you can decide what your priorities are. Speak with your spouse--he should have input on this so he doesn't feel as if he has lost all control of the family finances--this can avoid fights later.
vi. Divide your categories. Some spending is absolutely necessary such as rent and utilities. (Called non-discretionary spending) and others are things that we buy but don't absolutely have to do so (Discretionary spending). Make two columns on a piece of paper and write down your costs dividing them into the 2 types of spending. You could call these Necessities and Wants.
vii. Pay Yourself.Whether you are doing well or struggling financially, find a way to save on a regular basis. Add a small amount of savings to your Necessities costs and never touch it unless you are on the verge of being thrown out onto the street! We all need a cushion for unexpected emergencies, not to mention wanting to go on well-earned vacations. Don't go into debt, save for what you want!
viii. A Change in Thinking and Lifestyle
This article is really about changing the way you approach money both in your thinking and actions. Don't fall in love with money or the things it can buy you. They can't buy you happiness. Eliminating debt and having money are tools to give you one of the most important things in life: Freedom!
3. Attitude to money in home.
A. Discuss money openly. Aim at transparency/openness in everything, especially in money matters.
B. Avoid selfishness
C. Note that you (both0 are only stewards of God’s money
D. Spend it according to God’s wishes
E. You are accountable to him
4. Understanding financial Headship
Headship in the home extents to finances as well. Therefore, no matter who earns more, the man must rule the finances of the home with wisdom and fairness. He must have a clear vision or foresight for the home to better the lot of the family, for instance, a Plan to own a house someday.
1. As a financial head, he must avoid stinginess, meanness, and irresponsibility.
2. Avoid lack of Money
Lack of money should not be a permanent situation in the family. Problems associated with lack of money are: tension, quarrels, misunderstanding, mistrust, suspiciousness infidelity, etc.
Husband should try as much as possible to ensure that money does not lack at home.subsequently, where the husband has tried his possible best to put food on the table, and he couldn’t because of some circumstances, his wife should not fold her hands and allow hunger destroy her family.
5. Know the Dangers of Covetousness.
Covetousness arises when husband/wife compare their property or children with those of others. It leads to:
- Dissatisfaction in the wife/husband
- Unreasonable demands being made
- Murmuring
- Misspending
- .Borrowing to maintain a certain lifestyle
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